The Sunday “Beach Edition”

I know this isn’t a shocker to y’all…

if you have been to my blog before

you likely know I am Blissfully In Love with the beach…

especially Oregon and Hawaii beaches…

but we can’t afford Hawaii every year…

anyway… on to the Sunday Scavenger Hunt in pictures… Beach Style..=)

Old  ~ Scared of Water Dog (last year)

notice the leash… we had to DRAG Merlin into the water last year

and he RAN out of it as fast as he could…ha ha ha

*he’s even afraid of the hose …STILL…**

232/365 New ~ Confident Water Dog (this year)

This year he went in the water solo… NO leash!!

he was a bit afraid at first …however…..

by the end of the day he was happily walkin in water up to his tummy! =)

Way to tackle your fears Merlin!!   *wink*

One more picture…

just so you really get the idea…

look at the FEAR in his face

after we drug him through the water!

ha ha ha ha ha… (poor Merlin) …

233/365 Sun

234/365 Night Photography (0ne)

does it get any better than that??  =)

235/365 (two)

236/365 (three)

** it was really really hard to pick one of my beach pics for each category in this post** and  speaking of cheating…

237/365 Cheesy (er… eggy?)

its all dairy right?  ha ha ha …

sorry got nothing in this category!!

but I did find this funny sculpture of chickens and eggs…

I have been to Cannon Beach a thousand times

and never saw this before… how could I miss it??!

want to see the whole thing?

which came first the chicken or the egg???

(I always tell my kids the chicken of course, the Bible says God made the Animals… not the eggs!)  =)

238/365 Music

the sound of the Ocean waves breaking on the shore…

ah… Music to my ears…

and the sound of my children enjoying the ocean…

A Master Piece!!  =)

Everyone in our wee little family LOVES the beach…

Pure Bliss to be at the beach….

Even Merlin is in Heaven at the beach!!

It will be a LONG Autumn/Winter without the beach….


Do y’all have a peaceful, happy place like that??

Have I asked you that already??  =)

I better go and have another cup of coffee…



**anyone else in awe that we have made it to 238 out of 365 days?? (even if I am cheating by doing weekly instead of daily… I still can’t believe it!)  maybe next year I will manage the daily pic??!  **  crazy!!!

**oh… and for those of you who might have wanted the Gluten free Sour Cream Pancake recipe… I am typing it RIGHT NOW… won’t get up from my chair til it is done… **dang** broken promise… I hate that!!  sorry!!**

now go and enjoy others takes on these fun photography links!


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