the sista weekend away

This is my sista


she funny.

We may or may not be mocking these fairy sunglasses at this moment

what on earth was that designer thinking?

I apologize if you like said fairy sunglasses….

I am sorry… really I am…

I don’t know why they made us laugh so hard! =)


KK and I spent a LONG time in the car Friday..

just to spend 2 nights in Depoe Bay Oregon

before we spent a LONG time in the car on Sunday …

We stopped at Cannon Beach long enough to put our feet in the sand

and mock fairy sunglasses

before driving the rest of the way to Depoe Bay …

We arrived kinda late on Friday …

It didn’t seem crazy at the time we planned it… but that was a LOT of driving!

next time I think we would stay longer or go some where much closer!  😉

Saturday We played on Agate Beach Oregon

not to be confused with Agate Beach California

Beautiful!!  look at that sand!

yet there was not a shell nor an agate anywhere to be found!!

just beautiful  sand ~ under a sea of fog ~ which lifted as we were leaving!

The lack of shells & agates was odd for a beach called Agate beach!!


Then we visited The Devils Punchbowl & Otter Rock

both of which were beautiful!!

Definitely worth stopping to admire and play if you have the time!

odd though

not a devil nor an otter were anywhere to be found there either!

snicker snicker  =)

I am hopeless!!

We saw a crazy man feeding these crazy squirrels

which you could pet if you were dumb enough to do so

We watched a wee fight break out between 2 squirrels

while a boy was petting them by the peanut bag

he could have lost a finger!!!


wild animals are exactly that


don’t feed wild animals people!!

We fed a raccoon at our back door once…

Big mistake!!  just sayin!!


We spent the rest of our afternoon shopping in Depoe Bay

the shops were a little too touristy

We didn’t come home with any treasures… =)

It was a lovely getaway with one of my sisters…

though next time I think we won’t drive so far!

I think we spent more time in the car than we did ‘playin’ …

oops!  =)

and I realized I thrive on exploring

I think I need to learn how to relax more!!


what do you think KK??  =)


What do you all do to “relax”  … especially when you are away for a few days?

do you prefer to explore or lay by the pool with a book?   or something like that?

curious minds want to know!  =)

17 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 naomig yazmış:

    I like how I can visit the beach through your blog without having to actually go there. While I like the beach in theory, there are always so many people there it makes me feel twitchy and crazy, and I end up not really enjoying that part of it too much, although I do recall some very lovely beach trips where we were the only one’s on the beach, those trips I treasure. When I need to get away, I head for the woods… deep deep deep into the woods, where no other, or at least very few folks roam.

  • 2 Heather yazmış:

    Hey Jenn, sounds like you had a great time! We were in Pacific City… not too much sun, but the temperature was lovely. There was a surf contest there. The kids and hubby all had wet suits and spent a lot of time boogie boarding and attempting to surf. I, on the other hand, spent a lot of time lounging on the beach and visiting w/friends… my perfect, good time relaxation:)

  • 3 Heather yazmış:

    ps… I don’t get the glasses either. Could it be that we are too old? (did I just say that????) Never!

  • 4 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    sounds like you had fun. just think of all the chatting you probably got to do while riding in the car together. As for relaxing on vacation, I like to do a combination of the two. I like to be active and exploring, but enjoy a bit of time with a good book too

  • 5 He & Me + 3 yazmış:

    I am sure that the long car ride had lots of good conversation though. What a nice time for you and your sis to just get away.
    Yes…wild animals scare me….cause they are wild.

  • 6 Pennie yazmış:


    nah…just kidding….

    you sistas look like you had all sorts of fun! reminds me of me and my sistas!

    We have an agate beach here in Minnesota – but it
    IS full of agates – it is all rocks – no nice sand – ouch! It is on lake superior…very cold – you’d get hypothermia if you tried to swim in the lake there!

  • 7 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    The squirrel thing cracks me up.

    What a nice little trip!

  • 8 Katie yazmış:

    Hi Jenn! I am glad to see you had a fun weekend and I bet you are ready to go again. haha!

  • 9 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    beautiful pics! i’m sure i have been there…and i remember seeing otters!

    when we go away i like to do touristy things! but…i also like to hang by the pool and read a good book!

  • 10 Darcie yazmış:

    For the most part I like to do a little of both. But this summer I could have really used a vacation where I went and did NOTHING….but maybe catch up on some reading. I guess my vacation starts tomorrow…the kids go back to school. 😉

    Looks like you and your sista had a grand time!

  • 11 Robin yazmış:

    Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog… I live south of Seattle myself.
    We actually went to the Kalaloch camping grounds the week I was out shooting guns. It was full! My husband is on vacation next week so we might show up over there again! The lodge looks decent too!
    It’s so nice to see another Washingtonian blogger!


  • 12 Laura yazmış:

    How fun!! You two are so cute, I bet all the driving was just as much fun as hanging out once you got there. 🙂 i like to do a little bit of both…some exploring and fun stuff and some relaxing.

  • 13 Theresa yazmış:

    Hey! thanks for visiting my blog! i love your sense of humor!! Nope, not too into those fairy sunglassess…I can see why they are funny. I look forward to following you!!

    Beautiful pictures by the way!

  • 14 H-Mama @ Family Team yazmış:

    This makes me wish I had a sis. 😉 Very fun! Love the pix. Thanks for the visit… I’m your newest follower. 😉

  • 15 Jenilee yazmış:

    I want to come to that beach too! looks gorgeous!!! 🙂 and the glasses are pretty silly lol

  • 16 Genn yazmış:

    What a fun trip with your sister.
    Gorgeous pictures!

  • 17 Wendy Hagen yazmış:

    If you were wearing fairy glasses you would have been impervious to any rabies or other such fabulous diseases that would come from squirrel interaction. Shoulda bought them.