Archive for January, 2011

A Sneak Peek in my world

Its Sunday again… Time to take a sneak peek in my world this week. Every Sunday I am following along with a couple of fun photo challenges. The 365 day challenges are a Fabulous inspiration… taking a picture a day encourages me to capture more moments in my week I love the challenge of capturing […]


Do you naturally see the glass half full or half empty?? I am naturally a half empty kinda gal. I hate that about myself. always have. I get tired of my own half empty attitude!! So I work hard to keep my mind on the glass is half full side of life. but it is […]

Houston I have a problem

So some of you know I  home school one child and the other is in public school I have a love hate relationship with this set up all for another day…. that is Just how the cookies crumbled around here ………………………. I volunteer every year in my little girls class… THIS YEAR I have been […]


Corn Meal Mush that is   =) When you hear that you think orphanage food right? if you grew up in the 70’s you might think about Shirley Temple eating mush or in the 80’s? Annie singing a song about the sun coming up right after she ate mush? anyone? I love the stuff!! It is […]

2011 Week 4 & Sunday Scavenger Hunt

Hello folks. It is week 4 of my A picture a day for a year in 2011~ since I failed last year… I am a girl on a mission this year!!  =) anyway… my weeks pictures are also inspired by Ashley Sisk’s Sunday Photo Scavenger Hunt List! This week’s items are:  Memories, Silhouettes, Doorways, Reflections […]


You have some splainin to do Lucy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name Lucy… do you all know that?? Mr. McFunny and I  didn’t name Abby Lucy… well… because the name Lucy DOES NOT go with our last name!!! You are going to have to TRUST ME on that one… sorry… I don’t share all […]

Love is just a memory now

my beautiful mama’s 62nd birthday should be celebrated today instead it is an emotional day for me/us it has been nearly 10 years since she left this earth some days the emotions are stronger than ever Her birthday is always one of those weepy days I wanted more years with her I wanted her to […]

Something to do with the Moon?

I am feeling a little crazy today I am not sure if it has something to do with the fact that my hubby and I  have been burning the midnight oil one too many nights!! You see … we have been staying up into the wee hours to watch disc after disc after disc of […]

Week 3 ~ January

Week 3 of 2011 (last week I posted 1 & 2 together) =) Ashley Sisk’s Sunday Scavenger Hunt items for the week… inspiring my choices for my 365 days as well!! Thanks Ashely! 1. Different View  2. Looking Up 3.  Abstract 4.  Hair and 5.  Half Sunday Breakfast 9/365 Abstract ? or you could call […]

I can’t believe he didn’t tell me!!!

(ok so I thought I hit publish LAST night at 12:30… or this morning! Apparently NOT… *sigh*  rats!!) APPARENTLY My husband is a Poster Boy!! Mr. Johnny Poser himself has been posted all over the state for months! Would you like a closer look at my man?? otherwise know as Mr. McFunny (in my world) […]