Archive for August, 2010

Sometimes when it rains……

it POURS. I had to 2 teeth pulled on Friday. I actually felt OK on the weekend. It is now Monday night. and my healing is NOT GOING SO WELL. I think I feel worse today than the day after even! Dang! *sigh* they had to “dig” one out… and my face is swelling and […]

In Summer of 2005

we did a little patio painting don’t worry it was washable paint our landlord would have come unglued had he seen us  =) we didn’t even own a  home yet! 5 years ago We picked flowers with the help of our trusty tricycles!   =) and We climbed trees. with the help of our trusty tricycles […]

Heart Healthy Chocolate Cookies???

Well.. I can not prove it… But…. Maybe they are a little more heart healthy with my changes! remember I break rules and I don’t follow recipes I am like that. Chocolate Heaven on a plate! don’t forget … all my photos are being taken ‘blind’… just sayin.  not the greatest pics… But for a […]

Gettin Ready

just buyin a few things we need so we can use our new key chains… see the words Athletic club? Yeah baby! ( I can’t believe I just said that I HATE Austin Powers!) We took the financial plunge now that our kids are finally SWIMMERS!!  =) It makes it feel more worth the monthly […]

Can it Be ??

Can this really be happening? Is MY dog… My CAT chasing dog… The wild and crazy Cat Harassing Dog… the one who thinks the cat is a dog or he is a cat yep That dog has been doing a little of this lately MY CRAZY dog is mellowing out a little and being nicer […]

B is for …

B e e s B e r r i e s B e a u t i f u l  daisies fo b u i l d i n g   “houses” b a d decor aren’t those the ugliest end tables (?) you have ever seen?? (Sadly, I am almost sure we had these […]

2 Little Monkeys

Sittin in a tree H. U. G. G. I. N. G. (you thought I was going to say kissing didn’t you?!) First came love Then came marriage ( and then comes the honeymoon !! ) AND THEN Came babies in the baby carriage! (no pics sorry we hadn’t gone digital yet) and the years go […]

Thuumbs Up

Thumbs up to me… Late last night I managed to put a huge gash across the top of my thumb! Are You Kidding Me??  is what came to mind!  =) my life is full of never ending medical  “hiccups”… Grrrr… anyway… I can hardly type now see Good Times!! I am using a splint to […]


You just need to stop and SMELL the roses or LOOK at the moon ya know? =) Tonight is the start of the Perseid Meteor Shower…fun fun! A great night to slow down and snuggle up in sleeping bags in the back yard!  =) that is what we are planning to do! blessings~ Jenn

the sista weekend away

This is my sista KK she funny. We may or may not be mocking these fairy sunglasses at this moment what on earth was that designer thinking? I apologize if you like said fairy sunglasses…. I am sorry… really I am… I don’t know why they made us laugh so hard! =) anyway… KK and […]