2 Little Monkeys

Sittin in a tree

H. U. G. G. I. N. G.

(you thought I was going to say kissing didn’t you?!)

First came love

Then came marriage

( and then comes the honeymoon !! )


Came babies in the baby carriage!

(no pics sorry we hadn’t gone digital yet)

and the years go by

THEY grow up

and  then  YOU   join  THIS   club

And then comes…

what comes next?


yes sir E bob

Yesterday we celebrated our 12th anniversary !

For some reason we always end up here on our anniversary?!

I wonder why?

Only this year we brought the dog

the temps were so high we felt bad leaving him crated in this heat for too long!

nothing like a romantic walk with the dog!

We Did eat at a Fab Thai Restaurant

before we collected the dog for our Romantic walk!

after our romantic walk

we took the dog and went to buy fancy cupcakes

at a place called The Bearded Lady

I know!!!

I had to tell you b/c it is just WEIRD

and just the kind of thing we would do….  lol!


I promised my hubby I would not gush over him on my blog

So … I won’t “gush”…

besides it is hard to feel all mushy and sentimental in 96 degree weather without AC!

more on that in a minute!

ha ha!

I love love love that we have laughed our way through 12 years ~ full of fun adventures and many trials in our married life together!  Life did not turn out the way we dreamed it would… it did however… turn out just the way God intended it to… we only have a glimpse of what God’s plan is for our lives… We have endured more than most couples endure… (you can click on the orange letters there and read “our story” )  It is amazing what you can go through with Christ in your heart… giving you the strength and love to make it through … and the laughter!!  I love that the most about US… We LAUGH!!  I love to laugh and it is a HUGE blessing!  We have learned much… grown much… and managed to laugh more than we cry I think!  Considering ALL the things we have been through in the short 12 years we have been together… I think we are DAM good together!  don’t get me wrong… we have had some breaking points… We are not perfect and have plenty of moments when we are irritated with each other.. =)  We have a long way to go… but we have come SO far!  God has blessed us with patience, kindness, thankfulness, selflessness (mostly) and a like minded sense of humor to get through all the bumps in our road.  We both put God and Family first… We respect each other … and show each other love… in between work, soccer, piano, schooling, girl scouts, swimming, etc. etc.  You get the idea!  I am grateful for him in my life!  He is a wonderful friend, a fabulous spouse and a great daddy to my babies … a girl couldn’t ask for anything more!   Except maybe a vacation Alone with my Man… now that would be fabulous!!  (one day.. *sigh*)  I can not imagine looking back at our life in 12 more years!  But I look forward to it!! I just hope that there are less trials and more adventures in the next 12 years!!  Keepin it real folks!  =)

Trying not to gush here…

do you think I did ok?

That wasn’t gushy was it?

Speaking of my man

Its HIS birthday today!

Yep… we got married the day before his birthday!

It is a brilliant idea ladies… he will NEVER forget our anniversary!

(um … wait…that is NOT true… he DID forget one year!! ha ha!)


see not gushy at all!


Tonight we will eat out at the Restaurant of his choice …

he picked Sushi!  YUM!  well.. alright … honestly…

I only eat the California Rolls.. but still… YUMMO!

and then we are going to go Swimming!

Because our anniversary present to each other was a gym membership to a local gym…

that has 4 pools!



Looking forward to another  12 years of Healthy(er) living and Love … together!!

Thank you Lord for a Wonderful spouse to share my life with!


If you will excuse me now…

Sushi is calling!



PS  Our weather has been miserably HOT this week… 95 +++

so this is what I have resorted to…

no shame

this is me right after I dropped the hose…

Thank you Love for capturing me in one of my best moments!

at least I was cooler than him!!  =)

and for those of you who LIKE 95 degree weather…

WHAT is WRONG with you??!!   =)


(the Monkey cards were purchase in Cannon Beach and can be found on the web at www.monkeymoments.net)

16 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 blueviolet yazmış:

    Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to your husband. You sound very happy and thankful and I know exactly what you mean about faith being the cornerstone. How do people get by without it?

  • 2 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    Happy Anniversary. glad you got to celebrate and enjoy

  • 3 Cindy yazmış:

    Happy Anniversary !
    Enjoy the night!

  • 4 dysfunctional mom yazmış:

    This is so cute! Happy Anniversary. I think laughter is such a wonderful blessing! And Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  • 5 naomig yazmış:

    Ah, lovely. Happy Anniversary. God is so good. 🙂 I loved what you said about life not turning out the way you dreamed it would, but it turned out the way He intended it to. Such a neat thought for us all. Happy Birthday to your guy too! Sushi sounds deeeelightful! Yum!

  • 6 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    Such a sweet post! Congratulations on 12 beautiful years!!

  • 7 kim yazmış:

    Oh! Happy Anniversary! And Thai food, a walk and cupcakes sound like the perfect anniversary to me. Sushi birthday dinners are also always part of our celebrations too.

  • 8 Katie yazmış:

    Happy Anniversary! It looks like you will have many more fond memories like this one down the road. Great post!

  • 9 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    happy anniversary…sounds like you had a wonderful time! 12 years…that is great!

    mmmm…i love thai food followed by cupcakes!

  • 10 Julianne yazmış:

    It is my husband’s birthday on Friday! Happy Birthday to yours! Glad you had a nice anniversay–happy anniversary to both of you–you have done “real good!”

  • 11 citymouse yazmış:

    Happy anniversary and happy birthday to hubby! I think in our culture when so many people throw in the towel at the thought of actually working on their marriage, you guys have something special you should be proud of!

  • 12 Julie yazmış:

    O.K…so it was a little gushy! But he deserves it!! Happy anniversary! What a beautiful testimony of what true love should be. Thanks Jenn!!

    And happy birthday to the hubs!!

    p.s. I’m lovin’ the heat. I don’t want it to go away. Of course, I do have A.C.!! Don’t be hatin’!!

  • 13 Tammy yazmış:

    Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to W! Hey, I think next week works better for us…too much going on this week and I am tired. We can talk later in the week.

    Finished BTS supplies and clothes today…they didn’t get a lot but enough and they are going with Nana and Papa next week for a little more shopping.

    Off to bed…been a long 2 days with Symonne!

  • 14 liz yazmış:

    happy anniversary! i LOVE sushi, too! and i think i need to get me some sock monkeys!

  • 15 Pennie yazmış:

    Happy anniversary to an ungushy girl!

  • 16 Krissi yazmış:

    Awww! Happy Anniversary and happy Birthday to your hubby! Your posts are so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I have been a bad blogger since the beginning of my blog. I’ve followed so many and haven’t commented on hardly any at all! Life got so in the way and I dedicate a ton of my time to being an advocate in the infertility world and my other blog (Stress Free Infertility). It’s near and dear to my heart! But I do try to update when I can…it’s all I can do now without spreading myself too thin!