Archive for June, 2010

8 years times 365 days

equals 2920 days of LIFE!  =) My sweet little boy had his 8th birthday this month! Celebrating Sammy’s Life is precious to me… but before I get all mushy… Let me show you all the fun we had celebrating Sammy! I love involving them in the planning… we always have loads of fun creating games, […]

Wake Up Sunshine

Seriously, last summer this time Washington did NOT look like this! I took this photo one day last week … but it might as well have been today *sigh* Hello!  it   IS summer is it not?  =) Today looks a bit gray … Maybe Not quite that gray… but certainly not that blue either!~ […]

I am not sure which hurts more

My pride or my hand that my friends is a bacon grease burn can you say OUCH! 5 hours later gallons of cold running water thousands of frozen peas fabulous Pain killers (the kind you  get when you have root canals…lucky me I had 2 recently) I am currently under the influence of said drugs […]

Whose Dog is That?

who is this dog? he IS cute and very familiar that tail… I know that tail… and that face… Yep that is definitely MY dog! sporting his new Big Boy Summer Look… Didn’t these ladies do a GREAT job!!  =) Don’t worry  Merlin… You will thank me later… the sun is shining in the PNW […]

I must be living under a Rock =)

Seriously ~ why am I always the last one to  learn about cool things? just call me the Pokey Little Puppy ~ ok ~ alrightygoodthen =) Do you all know what Geocaching is??   =) See I knew it. I AM the last one again!! I felt the same way when I discovered blogging last winter! […]

Who needs gold at the end of a Rainbow?

It all started with an Orange A Lemon and A Lime Zest, Zest, Zest Love LOVE this little Zesting tool I acquired mine at Haggen Top Food and Drugs After zesting these babys I squeezed the life right out of them alright maybe not … I have carpel tunnel or something like that so my […]

Intermission =)

I know I said I was taking a blogging break all week… This is simply an “intermission” …   =) (honestly) it gives me stress thinking about all the things I will want to post by Saturday so really this is just a stress release and boy howdy do I need a stress release and since […]

The Sound of Silence

sh……….. do you hear that? the birds are chirping (I don’t even want to talk about the fact that MY cat broke that sweet birds wing!!) *cough – darn cat* the squirrels are chattering the dog is snoring my music is playing and I can actually hear it all! uninterrupted !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Friday Afternoon […]

Wonder Twins, Cowboys and Alligators

What in the world do The Wonder Twins, Cowboys and Alligators have in Common? It is simple really Let me tell you They all sent us mail this week. We had a few giggles with the post cards that arrived this week. This Post Card Project has been a Blast for the kids and the […]

Jenn’s Chicken Curry Lentil Soup

This My Friends … My Chicken Curry Lentil Soup is One of my personal favorite meals My lovely Friend Nancy at The Goat and the Kid is having a fun new blog hop about family food!! So without further ado … stick around to see what I am cookin… and then click over and see […]