Whose Dog is That?

who is this dog?

he IS cute

and very familiar

that tail…

I know that tail…

and that face…


that is definitely MY dog!

sporting his new Big Boy Summer Look…

Didn’t these ladies do a GREAT job!!  =)

Don’t worry  Merlin…

You will thank me later…

the sun is shining in the PNW

you will be much cooler

in the summer heat

and it will grow back…

Merlin turned 1 last week  ~

the day before Sammy’s birthday!

I still need to write a post about his party

just in case y’all want to  host a Nerf party

and need some ideas!  =)

Maybe now that Merlin is ONE

He will stop chewing everything in sight!!

and act like a big boy dog

with his big boy dog hair cut!!  😉

isn’t it funny how when his fur is long

he looks mostly black

but when his fur is short

he looks mostly white!!


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