Archive for August, 2011

Gluten Free Sour Cream Pancakes… yum!

Inspired by Edna Mae’s Sour Cream Pancakes … the one in The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook if y’all don’t know the Pioneer Woman… You must go meet her… must… she is funny … an amazing cook and photographer!  =)  just sayin… So I LOVE the gluten version of these pancakes… *sigh* In January when I finally […]

The Sunday “Beach Edition”

I know this isn’t a shocker to y’all… if you have been to my blog before you likely know I am Blissfully In Love with the beach… especially Oregon and Hawaii beaches… but we can’t afford Hawaii every year… anyway… on to the Sunday Scavenger Hunt in pictures… Beach Style..=) Old  ~ Scared of Water […]

Summer is Slipping Away

Summer mornings are slipping away… sniff… We have had a lovely week… Monday was our anniversary *13 years!!* … we went geocaching with the kids that day… and came home without finding a single one!! *sigh* the next day was my mans birthday we celebrated by going Paddle boarding!!  *SO. Much. FUN!* no pics.. Tragic!!  […]

Lazy Summer Days

This week was full of relaxing, lazy summer days 218/365 Abby hanging out in the back yard …practicing soccer ” juggling ” she can juggle it 25 times without dropping it… bouncing it from knee to knee without hands (I can’t even get 2 in a row!!) 219/365 Sammy enjoyed playing Frisbee with Merlin it […]

Another Sunday Post *wink*

I am not sure if I would even be blogging right now if it weren’t for Ashley’s Sunday Scavenger hunt… =)  Thanks Ashley for keeping me in the loop! Don’t get me wrong I love blogging… I just don’t seem to have as much time as I would like to be here …thus the once […]