Archive for February, 2010

Sundays are hard for me~

Back in October of 2004 we moved to my home town… in Olympia Wa.  Back to my roots.   Our little family is mixed Canadian and American.  Our first 8 years of marriage we lived in British Columbia ~ there was no question that God wanted our lives together to start there ~ we said our […]

Just Bag It Already!

I failed!! Do you remember my post on February 1st ~ A Bag A Day ~ My fabulous idea to purge my house of clutter 1 brown bag at a time?!  Yep… I failed!  In early February I took my first 7 bags into the kids rooms… and 4 large tote boxes… and I purged!  […]

Think ~ Zucchini Muffins

Today is my Think Food Thursday ~ A yummy recipe, a favorite food, a helpful food tip ~ shared from my kitchen to yours!  I am definitely an amateur chef  =)  (hardly a chef but I like the title!!) But hey ~ I have a few yummy recipes and tips up my sleeve! Remember my […]

The WillPower of Frog and Toad!

Oh NO !!  Girl Scout Cookies are in MY house!!   Samoas, Thin Mints, Lemon Cremes, Tagalongs!!  Aaaaah! Now you see why WillPower must be talked about today!?  =)  I have a will and I have power!  Power to eat all 8 boxes if I dared!!   They are so yummy I really could eat a box […]

Its February People!

This is just not right!!  Maybe … occasionally … once in a while… we see Sunshine in Washington State… in February.   Usually it is accompanied by 30-40 degree weather!!   Although I did not actually look at the temperature this weekend ~ I am sure we probably hit 60-65 degrees!   Weird!  and LOVELY!  So instead […]

Mrs. Humble Pie (or Mrs. RuleBreaker)

I am a rule breaker!  I am!  I confess!  I can’t help it!  I Like to do things different…I like to beat my own drum… I like to walk off the beaten path… if you give me a recipe I will change it… if mini skirts are in I am wearing capri pants instead… I […]

Sewing A Little Love Party

All Girls Were Greeted by this Sweet Sign My Little Girl Made! 5 little girls 1 crazy mom some sewing supplies 100   “feelie hearts”  for a Children’s Hospital!! A good friend of mine is the Coordinator for a Grieving Center at a nearby Children’s Hospital. They comfort families who have lost a loved one. […]

Think Mint & Lemon Meringue Pie

Mint and Lemon Meringue Pie ?  Don’t worry! I did not make a mint lemon meringue pie!! The only thing these 2 things have in common is they are both flavors that I LOVE!!!  2 of my favorite products are made with these flavors!!  They are healthy, low sugar or sugar free, delicious, heavenly, yummy […]

~ Distracted ~

Wednesdays word ~ D i s t r a c t e d ~ I have been SO distracted lately!! Distracted by…………… The Olympics (currently distracting me….) Girl Scouts – selling cookies, planning the badges, the projects, and those special time consuming awards – I am happy to help my sweet little girl earn all […]

~10 Things I Love About My Love~

The Final Hour is upon us… this wonderful Valentines Day Extravaganza is nearly at its end… (sniff) !  Be Sure to Click on the Big Red Heart and go Thank MamaM. for This Fun Filled Week of Love!  Please stay and finish laughing at … I mean reading my post!! Good News!!  We Can Still […]