Mrs. Humble Pie (or Mrs. RuleBreaker)
I am a rule breaker! I am! I confess! I can’t help it! I Like to do things different…I like to beat my own drum… I like to walk off the beaten path… if you give me a recipe I will change it… if mini skirts are in I am wearing capri pants instead… I am just like that… I always have been!
So I am a rule breaker! This is important to remember in a few minutes!
I am blessed by you!! Your blogs are beautifully written with humor, wit, grace, love, encouragement, intelligence, craftyness and devotion. Sometimes they are written with a little weariness or a discouraged spirit… They are truthful! I am constantly in awe. I am constantly laughing. I am encouraged, inspired, motivated and darn right happy to be here blogging with you!
I have been blogging since January 11, 2010. Not long! I am overwhelmed by this world! I had NO Idea!!
I love it.. I can’t keep up with it! I want more! =)
This bring me to AWARDS! and the Mrs. Humble Pie part!
Along the way ~ I received a few lovely awards from a few Amazing, Wonderful blogging Women I have been Blessed to meet! Honest… I am grateful to receive them… and encouraged by them!
I am eating humble pie because I have been sitting on a few Awards for a while now… you see… I lack the technical skills to quickly figure out how to put them in my post and how to link the ladies who gave them to me on my post. Both of which I think… I can now probably.. maybe… confidently say I know how to do!
Back to Awards. Awards come with rules… uh oh… rules… I break them remember??!!
Seriously I can NOT pick just a few of you to ‘shout’ out!! I can’t! I won’t. (stomping my feet like a 2 year old!) So here is where I break the rules! Please ~ Please forgive me for breaking the rules ~
~You are ALL wonderful! That is the truth and I am sticking to it!! ~
Being that I am a rule breaker ~ I am going to ‘shout’ y’all out!! I love to click on others comments and see the blog behind the comment! That is how I have met many of you!! So ~ Because I think you are all Beautiful Bloggers ~ and you all deserve a little Sunshine in your day ~ and we could all use a little Happy 101 boost ~ Please leave behind a sweet or funny comment about Jenn the crazy rule breaker and then if you like please take an award with you! And In the Spirit of Jenn’s rules ~ click on three comments from bloggers you have not met yet from my comment roll today! (If you are the first few to comment today … you might need to click on some from yesterdays post… so many lovely ladies to choose from!! Thanks for commenting yesterday ladies! I was blessed by your words!) Seriously I am passing out awards here! Don’t forget to pick one!! this is me… breaking the award rules!
First Meet the lovely ladies who gave me these Awards! As I really love blogging with them!!
2 Beautiful Bloggers gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award!
Cindy who is Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional
I also received the Happiness 101 Award from 2 Lovely Ladies!
Amy who is Keeping Up With The Shultz Family
I also received the Sunshine Award from my local friend
Whew! This post stretched my technical skills I feel like I need a beer ~ and I don’t drink beer! =)
I guess I will have to relax with a grande Hazelnut Latte instead!
Here are the lovely award to choose from that I am passing on to my faithful blog friends who give me encouraging comments! Those are Jenn’s rules ~ and I am sticking to them!
Just Jenn~ The Rule Breaker
The rules for accepting the award are kind of fun:
- Thank, and link the person who gave you the award.
- Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you’ve discovered, and think are fantastic.
- Contact your nominees, and let them know they’ve won.
- State seven things about yourself.
Put the logo on your blog or within your post.Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.Link the nominees within your post.Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
I am passing on the Sunshine Award to…
•List 10 things that make you happy
•Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
•Put a link to their blogs
•Notify the award receivers
•Recipients should link back to the sender’s blog
February 21st, 2010 saat: 4:06 pm
I love a fellow rule breaker! 🙂 congrats on your awards!
February 21st, 2010 saat: 4:57 pm
Must admit, I’m a rule-breaker too. I usually refer to myself as “the difficult child” at any event…. glad to meet a kindred spirit! Love YOUR blog, btw!
February 21st, 2010 saat: 7:00 pm
I am a ruler breaker too…it’s totally cool with me. 🙂
Love your list of 10 things especially sunshine and beaches, and laughing love that too, and so with ya on the sleep, oh how wonderful would some of that be!? 🙂
February 21st, 2010 saat: 8:28 pm
Good idea. It’s so hard to pick just a few out of your list. Way to break the rules and include everyone. 🙂
February 22nd, 2010 saat: 7:16 am
Rules are meant to be broken! I love lattees too, hmmm. Have a good day!
February 22nd, 2010 saat: 11:09 am
I guess there are a lot of rule breakers out there!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
February 22nd, 2010 saat: 1:23 pm
Congrats on the awards! = ) And welcome to the blog world. It’s crazy, but yet, so fun!
February 22nd, 2010 saat: 1:59 pm
I love chocolate and my addiction allows me to eat just about any brand and price point out there. What can I say, I’m a cheap date.