Archive for November, 2012

I’m a Tree Hugger at heart =)

Yep… its true… I hate to see trees get cut down… living in Washington ~  the Evergreen State…its hard not to love trees! Anyway… I’ll get to that point in a minute… Hope everyone had a lovely (Thanksgiving?) weekend! We had good family time with some of my immediate family and good family time with some […]

In All Things Give Thanks =)

Since it is Thanksgiving and all… I thought I’d start by sharing one of my favorite Bible verses … Philippians 4:4-8 “Rejoice in the Lord Always, I will say it again rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. the Lord is near you.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer […]

November Sunny er…Sunday Post

Sunny skies this week in Washington.  odd for November. usually its record rainfalls …a.k.a. wet, wet, wet… Nov. usually = flooding… not so much this year.   I am super thankful we’ve had a fairly mild November… at the same time I would like to note that my heart is with those on the East […]

Life Sized Candyland ~ plus plus

Sunday Scavenger Hunt – Candyland style ~ plus a few extras from my busy week/life as it applies to the prompts!  =) this weeks photography prompts were Classic, Welcome, Vibrant, Adventure and Wild! =) Classic so while shopping at world market the other day I stopped to admire this beautiful vintage typewriter art and my […]