Its February People!

This is just not right!!  Maybe … occasionally … once in a while… we see Sunshine in Washington State… in February.   Usually it is accompanied by 30-40 degree weather!!   Although I did not actually look at the temperature this weekend ~ I am sure we probably hit 60-65 degrees!   Weird!  and LOVELY!  So instead of posting about my Failure with my ‘bag a day’ plan … which I need to address!… but…  I decided that since y’all back East are braggin about your snow… I should brag about our sunshine while it lasts!  =)    (I hear the rain is on its way… its ok… kinda…  that is what we expect in Wa … in February!)   So here is a little peek of  our Sunny Weekend in Washington!

I am telling you … I have NEVER seen this in Washington!!  Never…

not in February!!

The kids were out WITHOUT coats … blowing bubbles!! Its February people!  and we are not in Hawaii!!
The kids love running around in summer with sun umbrellas!  Summer… not winter!!  If  umbrellas  are out in Washington in February… they are wet!!

Every Summer I take umbrella photos with my kids... I love umbrellas! I love that they love playing with them... either rain or shine! In this rare case... shine! In Winter! This is Nuts!

And THIS is So ridiculous!!

Mr. McGardener … otherwise known as Mr. McFunny… was MOWING the lawn… In February!! Insane!
He even did some edging around the house and the walks!!! In February! Crazy!

What I can’t  show you is that there were 3 other neighbors out mowing with Mr. McFunny … you see grass is getting long because it has been growing – growing in February!!  There were kids in out the neighborhood … playing, riding bikes and skateboarding… in short sleeve shirts!  People were out gardening in flower beds!!  This behavior Crazy Wild for February!  Last year we had 2 feet of snow around this same time!

Even Merlin had his own Fun in the sun!!  I took him to the school field down the road for a run, we played catch with his ball… sort of… and  Merlin chased some Robins… Poor Robins!  At least he didn’t eat them like our disgusting felines do!!! I walked a few laps on the track while he chased the helpless robins!  Then we headed back because he was tired and hot and needed a cool drink!!  I was hot and needed a cool drink!

And then my ice maker got all ‘clogged up’… so I had to break the giant ice cube ball that was hindering us from getting ice… ICE … for our drinks!!  In February!!   Lucky Merlin  ~  he loves ice cubes!!

Merlin LOVE ice… he was so excited.. he is in bliss with all the ice cubes to pick from!
Sammy was throwing ice into the air and Merlin would wait and chase after the flying ice!
He is a heart melter!!  Happy Dog ~  Happy Dog!

Want to know what I did? besides walk the dog, play ball and break ice cubes on the ground? Well… Someone had to be behind the camera!! Otherwise this Sunny Blog would not have been brought to you today by the letter … S…

The sun makes me crazy! It will be painful to face tomorrow… I hear ” it ” is coming back …
darn that rain! I only have 5 more hours to get out and enjoy the Sunshine!! Bye y’all!

Just Jenn ~

21 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 TooManyHats yazmış:

    YAY for your sunshine. I live in So Cal, so you know I am way spoiled with our weather here year round.

  • 2 Anne yazmış:

    Those are great pictures – and your dog is just too cute!!! Enjoy your beautiful weather while it lasts!

  • 3 naomig yazmış:

    Hee hee! It’s crazy warm over here too, although on the East Side we get a lot more sunshine than the west, so I have to still clean my house today, because it’s supposed to be sunny for as long as they can tell in the future… so I can’t use the “sun is shining, we’ll play today and clean house when it rains” excuse. 🙂

  • 4 kathie yazmış:

    how fun! we’re still deep in snow here.

  • 5 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    Enjoy the sun! I love Washington State…it’s so beautiful. But a bit too gray and rainy for me to live. I need my sun!

  • 6 Tawny yazmış:

    What a nice break from dreary weather! It is so nice to get out and enjoy the sun! Love the umbrella pictures 🙂

  • 7 Cheryl yazmış:

    So, you’re the one that stole our sunshine! LOL

    Hey, thank you for following me!

    Wanted to let you know, there is a giveaway for a pair of earrings (they are giving away 50 pair, to the first 50 people). You can find the giveaway here:

    These earrings are made from beads from Bead for Life which is a wonderful organization according to what I have read. I am sure they will be quite unique as well as beautiful.

    Again, thanks for following me.

    Blessings & hugs,
    Cheryl ~

  • 8 Crystal yazmış:

    This is fantastic! I think you guys were warmer than us & we’re on the beach in Mississippi. Today was actually hot though. It was over 70 degrees in the house & buildings. I had a long sleeve shirt on & was miserable when I was inside places. Your kids certainly look like they enjoyed it!! And what a precious pooch! I hope the rain holds off a little for you guys =) Thanks for following my blog & stopping by so often!

  • 9 Crystal yazmış:

    Oh wow, I’m jealous. We haven’t been seeing that kind of weather around here, and I REALLY need it 🙂
    Well, thanks for visiting my blog, I’m now following you.

  • 10 Amber yazmış:

    We’re in WA too. Isn’t this winter crazy!? We’re on the East side, and usually get a pretty decent amount of snow, but we aren’t getting much of anything this year. I love it, but my daughter desperately wants to sled!

  • 11 Cop Mama yazmış:

    Oh, I’m so jealous!!! Why can’t it be that nice here???

    Cute pics though!

  • 12 Becky yazmış:

    Oh, what a breath of fresh air….literally! I bet you are just eating that up!

    I am starting to REALLY dislike STRONGLY this winter. (I use to Love Winter so much in my young and wild youth that it actually is my older daughter’s middle name!), but now I trudge through the cold shivering like an old person that I have become {{sob}}.

    BUT!!! I really really really APPRECIATE the change of seasons, because just like your precious taste of warmer weather this weekend, you get oh so much more out of it if you take the good and the bad. You really appreciate the new season to come.

    I simply cannot not WAIT for spring this year…(silly me starts a count down for daylight savings time around this time every year). I know it will be much more of a gift 🙂

  • 13 Lily yazmış:

    That is awesome!! love the pics!! =)

  • 14 Lemonade Makin' Mama yazmış:

    Just stopping by to thank you for visiting me on my SITS day and leaving some blog love!


  • 15 Amy yazmış:

    I want some of that to come here.. We still have big chunks of ice for your dog..

  • 16 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    What absolutely beautiful pictures! (Love your doggie!) It looks like you had an A1 weekend. I have to admit…I am jealous! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I spoke with my sis Saturday – she lives in the Portland, OR area…not sure what her weather was like. I hope it was nice, too. It ALWAYS rains there!

    -Just Jealous 🙂

  • 17 Sarah C. yazmış:

    Lovely! And so beautiful. Looks like you guys enjoyed it!!!

  • 18 Steph yazmış:

    I am trying not to be jealous! so beautiful! so fun!

  • 19 Becky @ Farmgirl Paints yazmış:

    It WAS glorious! Thank you Lord for making it sunny just for me;) Loved your beautiful state!

  • 20 debbie yazmış:

    We had a nice weekend too but now it is back to yucky.
    Came by from SITS to say hi.

  • 21 Maria@PersonalizedSketches yazmış:

    February :o) I love all the fun outside photos of your family in Februarry :o) Snow is so pretty, but I have to admit, I love warm, sunshiny, grass mowing days :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am sooooo behind and have to get off to work! so I will comeback again and read your post about the sewing party your daughter and her troop did.

    Thankyou for coming by and for following! I am following you now.