I can’t believe he didn’t tell me!!!
(ok so I thought I hit publish LAST night at 12:30… or this morning! Apparently NOT… *sigh* rats!!)
My husband is a
Poster Boy!!
Mr. Johnny Poser himself
has been posted all over the state for months!
Would you like a closer look at my man??
otherwise know as
Mr. McFunny
(in my world)
Yep… I married that guy…
the one dancing with a statue!!
Are you kidding me?!!!
Who dances with statues and gets printed on a State Poster?!!
Yep… That’s MY man…
Mr. McFunny
Always making everyone laugh!
I just about peed my pants when I noticed it yesterday!!
I’m dyin over here people!!
I took my little girl into the hubby’s office
to sell Girl Scout cookies
We try not to bug him much at the office
just a couple times a year
apparently it has been a While
since we were in last!
His co-workers all have a great sense of humor
So I was joking around with them
while Abby was selling cookies
and I just happened to notice
with my husband printed on it!!!
My husband on A POSTER?!!!??
What the Heck?!!
Laughter, tears …. and shock!!
I wish you could see the grin on my face right now
I can not understand why on earth he did not tell me?!!
( my cheeks hurt!!)
Pay Back Darling… Pay Back
for Keeping Secrets from YOUR WIFE!!! =)
How could he NOT tell me??
if you note on the Poster
It was printed WAY back in April of 2010!
I NEED a copy of that poster!!
I only walked away with a photograph
such a bummer
he he he
I love my goofy husband!!
Hours an Hours of Laughter
Have I told you all how much
I LOVE laughing
its like a drug!!
May you all be blessed with laughter today!
The Poster Boy’s Wife
ps Apparently people stopped him in the halls, lunchroom, coffee stand, etc. etc. and said…
“hey… you are the poster guy”
for months
he he he
I CAN’T HANDLE the laughter!!!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 12:47 pm
That is pretty funny! I couldn’t imagine Andy being on a poster and him not saying anything about it. I’m sure he would flaunt it proudly.
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:23 pm
OH. My. Gosh. I would not let my hubby get away with that. I think that constitutes you #1. taking a picture of the poster (check.) #2. Making a t-shirt of the poster. 🙂 #3. Okay, maybe a FAMILY of t-shirts #4. Guess what everybody gets for hubby’s b-day? Or April fools day – whichever comes first. I’m a stinker, ain’t I?
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:25 pm
OKay, just reread what I wrote. I started to write something where “constitutes” actually made sense…I realize it doesn’t in that sentence…uh – just so you don’t think I’m stupid. 🙂 Hey – wanna right a bouk wid mee? i speke gout!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:27 pm
hahaha… that is great — you are famous by relationship too!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:35 pm
lol!!!! that is too funny, what a goober for keeping quiet about it! 😉
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:46 pm
You are going to have fun with this one for a LONG time! Too funny…Mr. and Mrs. Poster boy!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:47 pm
that is too funny. I would have dropped my jaw if I saw my hubby on a poster that he’d never told me about
January 14th, 2011 saat: 1:52 pm
How funny!! That’s too funny that he didn’t tell you!! What a crazy yet wonderful hubby you have 🙂
January 14th, 2011 saat: 2:10 pm
How funny is that!! Now why on earth wouldn’t he tell you such a thing??? 😉
January 14th, 2011 saat: 2:16 pm
That’s awesome!! 🙂
January 14th, 2011 saat: 2:45 pm
How fun – Lucky you – living the celebrity life 🙂
January 14th, 2011 saat: 3:18 pm
That is HI. LAR. IOUS! Wow. And somewhat just like a man, wouldn’t you say? Haha!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 3:22 pm
That is just too funny! Love it! How could he not say anything? My hubby would have posted it on the fridge the next day! I guess you are now married to the local celebrity 😉
January 14th, 2011 saat: 3:46 pm
That is too funny…..mostly because of what he is “doing” in the poster!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 4:17 pm
What a blessing!!!! I dont think there is anything better then a husband that can make you laugh! 🙂
January 14th, 2011 saat: 5:28 pm
Hilarious!! I can’t believe he didn’t tell you!! I’m sure D-man would have brought a copy home and proudly displayed it on our bedroom wall!!
January 14th, 2011 saat: 6:31 pm
January 15th, 2011 saat: 1:30 am
Oh my, his modeling career is going to take off now!
That is so funny!
January 15th, 2011 saat: 11:24 am
Ha ha! Too funny!
January 15th, 2011 saat: 1:09 pm
Cracks me up that you didn’t know! And, he seems like a ton f fun. Love it.
January 15th, 2011 saat: 3:26 pm
The poster boys wife… that’s too funny! 🙂
January 15th, 2011 saat: 8:33 pm
Too funny – my husband was on a poster for his company once and he was called “poster boy” for years. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed the snow this week! It’s finally clearing up and melting a bit here on the other side of the state – I even saw the sun today!