A Sneak Peek in my world

Its Sunday again…

Time to take a sneak peek in my world this week.

Every Sunday I am following along with a couple of fun photo challenges.

The 365 day challenges are a Fabulous inspiration…

taking a picture a day encourages me to capture more moments in my week

I love the challenge of capturing at least one thing a day!!

Ashley Sisk’s Sunday Scavenger Hunt photo challenge encourages me to capture things I would not have necessarily stopped to take a photo of…

This weeks challenge items were:  Texture, Button, Seventies, Beverage and Fog

This is how they played out in my world this week:

Sunday      23/365       Beverage

a Birthday Beverage for my sister Linda

it has become our tradition to buy each other Latte’s on our birthdays

Very satisfying birthday gift 3 bucks.  Time together ~ priceless.   =) 

Sunday was our Late Birthday Coffee date

Since I needed a beverage photo I took sister Linda to my favorite Coffee shop

b/c they never fail to give you foam art on your Beverage!!!

Monday      24/365

I made home made Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Not a great picture!!  I really hate our indoor lighting in winter!!

The recipe was compliments of Land O Lakes Butter!!  =)

I modified it… a little … I do that … a lot.   =)

The whole family LOVED them… Devoured them!!

*happy mommy*

I have been pretty successful eating mostly gluten free for 2 weeks now

and my fussy digestive system is forever grateful…   I think.  =)

Tuesday     25/365     Seventies

1974 to be exact

once upon a time my hubby played with this cool toy when he was a boy

ok.. that sounded funny… I think I will not edit it!!  =)

I love that our little boy plays with toys my hubby used to play with

A couple of them are made in England

Dinky Supertoys

this one is my favorite I think

it kinda reminds me of the bus Harry Potter rides in Prisoner of Azkaban

doesn’t it??

anyway this baby goes for a pretty penny on ebay (er it did a couple years ago)   =)

I looked it up for fun!!

taking these pictures inspired me to take photos for a 1970’s post

of the things my hubby and I kept from our childhoods

the things our littles now use

and I found a few funny things in the kitchen that are 70’s as well!!

hoping to get that post up later this week!   =)

Wednesday      26/365     Fog

Lucky me… we had a foggy morning this week!

We walked Abby to school in the fog

it was cold… but beautiful!

and I love birds… birds on light posts… birds on a wire…

or in this case birds on a baseball batters cage?  what is that called?


I think Sammy really enjoyed looking at the foggy world !

We couldn’t see very far in front of us that morning…

which really is the way Sammy sees every day anyway…

interesting reminder for the mommy this week.

*sigh*    sometimes it breaks your heart

when you remember your little boy will have 20/200 vision his whole life

sometimes you wish he could see the details of this beautiful world we live in!

Thursday  January 27

it was warm and dry enough to ride bicycles outside…


It was great for the kids!!  =)

it was kinda cold… but fun!

Friday  January 28

On Thursday I happened upon a wonderful post about JARS…

I heart Jars!!    So FRIDAY I ran around MY house taking photos of my jars…

Monday or Tuesday I will publish my own post about fun ways to use Jars …

I will also link you Lindsey’s Jar post … as she inspired me to share my jars with y’all!

please don’t think I am crazy…

come back and you will see…

Jars are wonderful for you and me!!

sorry.  can’t help it.

Saturday        29/365         Texture    (and Buttons)

I made Cashew Chicken Stir fry for dinner… YUM!

look at all those yummy textures!

is that stretching it a bit?

and Saturday was my last day to capture


buttons really had me stumped most of the week

I have nothing with buttons

well… ok … nothing interesting with buttons

all week my mind kept drifting back to this little dress I used to LOVE on Abby

when she was 10 months old…

she is 10 years old now… who’s counting!!  =)

I think these were the first pictures I captured of her standing on her own ?!

She was cute as a button in this little outfit!!!

One of the things I loved about this dress

don’t laugh at me ok…

is that the back had buttons all the way down it   =)

I love love loved her little button down dress…

there are buttons from the neck down to the bottom of the dress…

when she had the sweater on … you could only see half of them…

sweet memories…

funny some of the sweet weird memories a mommy holds in her heart!


Today I took photos of those old baby photos (hard copies)

and made a collage out of them…

they turned out pretty good for photos of photos!!

Thats all she wrote folks!

Off to church …



PS   they are having a family fun talent show at church tonight…

What would you do in a fun family talent show if you had the chance…

just curious!!    =)

I tried to talk my family into dancing the Achy Breaky Heart dance jig…

we learned it for a horse birthday party Abby had a few years back

it was SOOOOOOOOO much fun teaching 10 little girls that dance…

and then watching them enjoy dancing after…

Sweet memories…

My family is having NOTHING to do with the talent show…
shy and reserved they are!

I am not doing it on my own either… I am a little shy!!   ha ha!

We’ll watch everyone else I guess…

What would you or your family do??   =)

ta ta for now!

Sunday Scavenger Hunt

and one 365 day challenge

Project 365 button designed by http://richgift.blogspot.com

the other 365 day challenge!! =)

33 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 naomig yazmış:

    Aw fun! I should do a photo challenge sometime. 🙂 I love the things you had to photograph. That baby girl dress is darling!! And the fog picture is spooktacular.

    I’ve been making it a point to study Helen Keller lately, and some of her quotes are the most beatiful and uplifting things I’ve ever read…. This one comes to mind for me when I read what you write about your son’s vision… “I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world.” Such an amazing thought from an amazing woman.

    Happy Sunday!

  • 2 Style Attic yazmış:

    Awww, Birthday Beverage! What a great idea 🙂 Wish I lived close to my sister so we could copy!! Great photo!

  • 3 Sarah yazmış:

    Wonderful photos. Thanks for linking up. 🙂 I love your beverage photo.

  • 4 Lui yazmış:

    That was sure FUN! I love the toy! Priceless as the rest of your stuff!

  • 5 Kristin@Bringing Pretty Back yazmış:

    My camera was just found, I can not wait to get back to taking some photo’s! Happy bday to your sis!
    Have a pretty day!

  • 6 Ashley Sisk yazmış:

    You’ve done a lot of shooting this week. Really love your beverage shot. I wish I could do that with my cappuccinos.

  • 7 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    great pictures. the one of the latte is very cool

  • 8 LeAnna yazmış:

    I love jars too! We went antiquing Saturday and I came home with some awesome new (old) ones!

  • 9 Mimi yazmış:

    I’d probably try to get someone to do the old Abbot & Costello Who’s On First Routine.

    That does look like the Harry Potter bus!

    Have a great week,

  • 10 Sara Bowyer yazmış:

    I would have to come up with some funny skit…actually my kids would come up with some funny skit. Since my daughter is a Young Life leader and has to do that all the time, she could write something awesome!!!

    I love that my mom saved MANY of my toys and clothes from my childhood and my children played with them all!

  • 11 Style Attic yazmış:

    Hello, me again 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! So you asked me about the frog/reflection shot. I just cut out a towel add from Better Homes (Possibly Living) magazine. I taped it to the inside of a hand held mirror. Such the high tech studio I have 😀 Email me if you want to know more, but that’s about it! Best, Kelly

  • 12 RaD yazmış:

    I tried to do the scavenger hunt post but failed. I only got the fog picture, but I used it for my 365 so hey it worked!

    The beverage picture turned out great and I also like the pictures of your husbands old toys, so fun.

  • 13 blueviolet yazmış:

    And to think I thought you created that foam art yourself! Sister time rocks!

    That is sad about your son. I can understand how much it would bother you that it’s so out of your control.

    Your little one sure did look adorable in that dress!

  • 14 Jess yazmış:

    Ah, that old toy is fabulous. What a treasure! 🙂

  • 15 Just A Southern Girl yazmış:

    My family would be all over that talent show 🙂 Shy, we’re not! Probably some silly skit.

    Lovin’ all your photos. It’s fun that you’re combining two photo memes!

    Have a great week!

  • 16 Kathleen yazmış:

    Such a PRETTY latte!! And I love your seventies find!!

  • 17 Pam yazmış:

    Great shots. I love the 70’s toy! The beverage looks yummy and I don’t even drink coffee.

  • 18 Carletta yazmış:

    I love old toys so I really like those shots!
    Your fog shot brings to mind ‘socked in’ when describing fog – great shot!

  • 19 charmaine yazmış:

    Love your beverage shot! I wish we had a coffee shop closer that made art like that!!

  • 20 simone yazmış:

    I really love your family birthday tradition – great idea, your fog capture is excellent, but my favourite is definately your husband’t toy from the 70s! I just love how these challenges encourages us get out of our comfort zones and look beyond!!!

  • 21 Janna yazmış:

    man, that latte looks yummy. oh, and I heart jars too – I think I read the same post as you 🙂

  • 22 Brooke G yazmış:

    What a cool fog shot 😀

  • 23 keepcatebusy (Cate) yazmış:

    you had actual fog!! that one seems to have been the trickiest this week – well done!!

  • 24 Nukke yazmış:

    Interesting photos !

  • 25 Cindy yazmış:

    Coffee does look so good sometimes, but I never drink the stuff!)
    Great photos…love the fog.
    Enjoy the day

  • 26 deb yazmış:

    What a nice way to spend time with your sister for birthdays! Love the foam art. Very fun!

  • 27 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Nice photos.

    If we had a family talent show…half our family wouldn’t show up! Seriously. The boys would go awol. They’d be miles and miles away. Anywhere but at the talent show, actually.

    But, Bridgette and I would do practically anything. Comedy, probably. Or, a speech….probably WAYYYYYY too long, too!

  • 28 Buckeroomama yazmış:

    Cashew chicken stir fry –definitely lots of texture in that! You just gave me one dish that I’m going to prepare this week! 🙂

  • 29 Anne U yazmış:

    Great photos. That latte shot is awesome, I miss making pretty leaves on lattes and mochas, it’s lots of fun!

  • 30 Julie yazmış:

    Your posts always make me smile. Sooo…the gluten free thing is working?? I’ve had it suggested to me and my irritable bowel….hmm…maybe I should try it!

  • 31 Beka yazmış:

    Ooookay, so that latte art is awesome! I’ve never had a coffee drink with art on it. Not yet, anyhow. 😉

    Those gluten-free chocolate chip cookies look amazingly yummy!!! I want. 🙂

    Cute toy truck!
    And that stir-fry???? Golly…talk about tempting:)

    Lovely post, dear!

  • 32 H-Mama @ Family Team yazmış:

    what a creative way to do your 365. great job!! 🙂

  • 33 Adeena yazmış:

    Love the vintage shots! 😀 So cool that you still have old toys like that.

    Your chicken recipe looks really yummy, too. I’ve been gluten-free for about 10 years now! 🙂