Wednesday’s Word ~ Opportunity

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…”

Galations 6:10

‘All people’ are made up from our family, our friends, our neighbors, our kids teachers, the vet, the dentist, store clerks, any people we meet.  Each day brings planned opportunities and unplanned opportunities to ‘do good’.  My wish is to seize those opportunities to build a memory, to make someone smile, or to give someone the help they need…to make a difference in someones life.  Even when the days opportunities are limited to my kids… I want to close my eyes each night with peace in my heart, smiling that perhaps I left a foot print today. On days when I feel satisfied that I seized a few opportunities to ‘do good’…I am the one who feels rewarded.  Life is full of beautiful opportunities.

Seize one today!

Today I can honestly say I seized a few opportunities… to do something nice for each person in my family, to help a teacher, to get to know another mom, to get to know a neighbor and to make a few people smile.  Today I will close my eyes grateful for the opportunities I seized … that probably blessed me more than it did the people I interacted with.  😉

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