*Kid Friendly* Photo Memory Book Craft Perfect Gift for Someone You LOVE! =)
Since I posted the wrong McLinky post today … OOPS!… I decided to not do the Proposal McLinky (my story is way way too long anyway.. I tried!) =) So.. Tuesday’s Post attempt #3! I will actually ‘link’ Wednesdays post to MamaM.’s McLinky tomorrow .. when it is supposed to be linked… some of you got a ‘sneak peek’!!
In honor of Loving this week ~ Loving your puppy that is! ~ My little girl (age 9) and I made the cutest little photo memory book craft ~ out of lunch bags ladies! yep… lunch bags! This brilliant little scrapbook idea is compliments of my sister KK. Thanks KK! =) It is a perfect little gift to give someone you love… or make and fill with photos of someone (or a pet) you love!
Take a peek… this is the front…
and the back……….
Now You Wanna see inside… don’t ya ??
Isn’t it just the cutest scrapbook ever!! Now you want to make one… don’t ya?? Wanna know how we did it? =) Easy sneezy…lemony squeezy! My favorite quote from my little girls first grade teacher! Here is what you need!
2 lunch bags – folded, flip one backwards so the open ends are not on the same side and staple together, a few cute scrapbook papers, a bone cookie cutter to trace – for puppy books, stickers, a used gift bag (hee hee) and some scrapbook adhesives, we also used adhesive ribbon. You can be so creative ~ and yet so simple! My little girl Loved This craft!! She loves photography ~ and animals ~ and is quite the little paper crafter (oh the tape and paper my kids use!) She had SO much fun ~ she was beaming with pride after making such a stunning little scrapbook!
She actually made this craft for a Girl Scout project… she is leading this “Pet Craft” for a younger troop tomorrow and in May she will lead the same pet craft with her troop! So if your little girl happens to be in my little girls scout troop (Tammy) hee hee … maybe you don’t want to make one yet!?!~
If you make one of these adorable little photo books ~ I would LOVE to see it!!!
Happy Crafting Everyone!
Just Jenn~
February 9th, 2010 saat: 12:47 pm
That is so cute and totally up my alley.Thanks for the post!
February 9th, 2010 saat: 3:07 pm
That is SOOO cute! I love that it’s out of paper bags too! I have made one out of board books (Target has cheap ones in their dollar bin), but that is adorable!
I bet your daughter just loves it 🙂
February 9th, 2010 saat: 5:27 pm
Thanks for stopping by The Robinson’s Lily Pad! I used my craft blogs link here though. 😉
I LOVE this scrapbook! I see one in my future although it will be very interesting because my daughter is only 2…haha!
February 9th, 2010 saat: 6:46 pm
What a neat idea. I’ll have to do something like this for spring.
February 9th, 2010 saat: 11:33 pm
We too have homemade scrapbooks. The kids love them. This is super cute! I would love to see your sons room…
February 10th, 2010 saat: 6:50 am
you’ll be glad to know where i was reading it (in Australia) it was wednesday, so i didnt even notice… 🙂
February 10th, 2010 saat: 11:50 am
Cute idea!
February 10th, 2010 saat: 8:19 pm
I heard you were making these from a Brownie mom today. We won’t be making them until GS. We just planned our meeting out last night…ours is next!
February 11th, 2010 saat: 5:47 am
Cute! My daughter would love to do this! Thanks for the idea!