What Started This Madness Anyway~

You see there is a reason for all this painting madness…

The mad desire to paint my /dinning area a happy green color…

Yes that is in fact my wedding ring hanging on a cheap tack under my kitchen cabinets! don’t judge me, K?

I need a happy green color…

do any of these colors look happy?

I know its a bad picture with poor lighting… you can’t tell…

its fine.


I can’t decide!

I need A happy green to look at while  I spend most of my waking hours in this space…

those walls are so bare…

no life… no color…  dreary…

So … though standing at the copier for hours did contribute to my mad desire to paint…

and knowing I need to organize that ream of large print materials

is also driving me to paint…

and these plain walls are not helping…

I need to paint!

(painting releases stress you know…)

where was I?

right … there is a reason for this mad desire to paint…

I was in Fred Meyer…

and I happened to drag my poor children through the storage bin/ basket isle…

just in case…

and then I saw them…

these BEAUTIFUL  fabric covered cardboard bins…

cream colored, with GREEN and brown… with vines and little birds…


I wanted them!

but I hesitated…

I went home to think about it…

as soon as I left I knew I needed them..

but I did not turn around that day…

I knew they would be VERY useful in those messy shelves by my kitchen table…

I went back…

the NEXT day…

to buy them…


they were gone less than 24 hours later…

another smart, organized, decorating genius of a woman snatched all 8 of them right off the shelf!

in less than 24 hours…

so I did what any frantic woman would do…
who NEEDED those bins…

I went to the other Fred Meyer 15 minutes away…

no luck.


thus the NEED to paint.     Green.

that is the honest truth ladies…

I know, I know I am completely insane… at least we can laugh about it!

SO … Friday I had the day off… remember…

I slipped out to buy paint make all those photocopies…

But I did not come home with paint!!

just a huge handful of paint chips…


Now you see why I came home with green birdie plates…

I went to Home Depot to buy paint.. instead I am taping up these!

how is a girl to decide which one to use?!!

Which one would you choose?

I can’t decide!

I  started taping them all over my kitchen/dinning room wall…

Bless his heart… Mr. McFunny even tried to help…

I can’t decide!

So I did what any sensible crazy woman would do…

I decided to take my paint chips into my dark, dreary 1/2 bath down stairs first…

You see… while I was thinking about all that happy green …

I realized GREEN paint is the answer to improving my mistake dark bathroom ……

I can’t pick one for the bathroom either!

I am hopeless when it comes to making the paint choices…

so I did what any sensible crazy woman would do…

I pulled out an existing Paint can…

which happens to have Rejuvenate Green in it…

and a paint brush…

and I started painting…

the top half of the bathroom…

I have a plan!

worst case scenario …

it can be a base coat…

if I don’t like it..

what do you think?

Do you like rejuvenate green with the brown and my white paper border

I might change the paper border to real wood one day… =)

or would you use one of these greens instead?

I can’t decide!!

So I consulted Mr. McFunny again …

Can I take this guy seriously?


he wears penguins on his shirt!

he tries…

but he’s a guy…

they all look nice…

I think I have narrowed it down…


or maybe I should go with a blue instead??

so if ya all wanted to hop a plane and come on over here to help me out …

that would be great…

Mr. McFunny would happily welcome visitors…

if it is a means to the end of this madness!

I think I need to buy some really expensive chocolate!

22 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    I like the green you put by the mirror (I think it’s the 3rd from the left?). Hope that helps!

  • 2 Steph yazmış:

    Oh Jenn!!

    I think your bathroom looks great green but if you think you have too much green i like the middle blue. oh, what to paint your kitchen….that a toughy….maybe find one of your green things that you love and do a green that is similiar or complimentary. Although….I don’t know how seriously you can take my opinions as I am looking at pictures on a computer….good luck! P.S. Feel free to indulge in some good chocolate or a yummy latte or a small delectable carton of ice cream…

  • 3 Laura yazmış:

    I love the happy green and your bathroom looks fab! You also have green on your blog!

  • 4 Tammy yazmış:

    I love the bathroom painted like that…you must keep it!

    As for the kitchen, do not go with the darker shades of green…it will be too dark…go with the middle tones…

    Inlaws left later than I thought so didn’t call…sorry! Let me know if you still need my expert opinion…lol!

    Obviously Mr McFunny has no clue!!!!!!!!!

  • 5 Kristi yazmış:

    This was a crack up!

    I thought you were on the right track until you decided to throw blue in on the mix, I totally laughed out loud when I saw that! Oh decisions, decisions. I love that green in the picture before you showed us the blue samples!! I’m sure whatever you decide will look fabulous. The bathroom looks great!

  • 6 Lisa yazmış:

    I love green anyway, so I think it looks really good just as it is. You have a wonderful selection of greens to choose from…have fun! P.S. I don’t think you can have too much green 🙂

  • 7 Rachel Cotterill yazmış:

    I love the really deep green you’ve got there. But it’s so hard to judge from small samples, isn’t it? PS Visiting to welcome you to SITS 🙂

  • 8 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    You’ll come up with right green. If I had the time and money, I’d love to fly right over! 😉

    Seriously – I agree with Jen Gacek’s choice of green. (See her comment.), which stands to reason – she’s one of my bloggy buddies – but I agreed with her comment before I knew it was her commenting. 😉 Great minds think alike. ha ha

    Hey – about Fred Meyer – do they have a website? Could you order those bins on-line? That would be neat. To paint AND get your bins…last Christmas I pulled that same stunt about 4 times – I’d leave something to think about it and come back and it would be GONE. Ugh. My husband kept saying, “When are you going to learn, Pennie.” The bad part is – I didn’t learn – it happened 4 times!!!! So, he said that a lot. 🙁

    Keep us updated – I want to see the painted finished product!

  • 9 kendra yazmış:

    The green when you said you had it narrowed down (maybe) would look wonderful in your bathroom. I love the look of two colors like that, especially if you do a wood wainscoating. TO make i easy on yourself, do that same green in your living room, I’m sure it will look wonderful there, too!

  • 10 Steph yazmış:

    THere is a surprise waiting for you on my blog!

  • 11 Maryrose yazmış:

    I am laughing over here….I stopped in from my daughter Kristi’s blog (Rush Hour) because I was curious about the paint. Too FUNNY. I say paint green 🙂
    But you did have me laughing harder when you threw in the blue.
    Nice to have a husband with a GREAT sense of humor. Great post. I will be back to see what color you choose. Those greens are very soothing and I think the bathroom will look wonderful with the two colors, but what do I know. Happy Monday

  • 12 Christy yazmış:

    haha, this post really made me laugh! Good luck picking a color…I’m no help. I’m always the person who asks the question back…like where do you want to eat? I don’t know, where do you want to eat, lol.

  • 13 Laurel H. yazmış:

    Oh, wow! I LOVE how your bathroom looks with the upper portion of the walls now green. VERY nice!

  • 14 Debby Pucci yazmış:

    Thanks for stopping over. I am having trouble seeing pictures today too! I see your pictures fine but most of the blogs today have X where the picture should be.
    Love green. It’s a hard shade to buy.

  • 15 Rhonda yazmış:

    Thanks for coming by and following! ;p

    Too funny. I don’t like painting, but I like the results. I’m fixing to paint my bathroom.

    I like green too. I want to eventually paint my office/laundry room green!

  • 16 Jenn yazmış:

    I like the green with the brown but I also really like blue and brown…that’s a tough one. I have my kitchen painted green and I love it. I wish I knew what the color was called. I think any of the ones you narrowed it down to would look great!

  • 17 Lemonade Makin' Mama yazmış:

    I like the green! I used to have a green I loved in my kitchen called Tupelo Tree from Sherwin Williams and it was the perfect green (in my opinion) for a happy green.

    But it’s looking good so far!! Keep up the great painting. 🙂

  • 18 Becky yazmış:

    NO Blue….No

    GREEN!!! LOVE GREEN. My favorite color. The colors of almost all the walls in my house. LOVE.

    In the verticle picture of samples, the 2nd from the bottom is my choice:)

    (and your story of the gone baskets is why I never go home and think about stuff! Lol! I know what I like and I buy it. Right then. I FEAR that happening! {{SOB!}}

    Have fun painting!

  • 19 the wild raspberry yazmış:

    i’m so bad at picking paint…
    it’s agonizing.

    your bathroom is looking great though!

    good luck 🙂

  • 20 jennifer yazmış:

    I love the green directly under your keys in the kitchen 🙂

  • 21 Lori yazmış:

    Picking paint colors is so hard! I really like your bathroom the way it is, though. Great color combo. 🙂 Have fun!

  • 22 Wendy @ Faith's Firm Foundation yazmış:

    Absolutely the green in the bathroom has to stay!! It looks fantastic!! No, don’t even consider the blue. You’re on the right track. (It might be easier if you just put one color up at a time:) Mr McFunny is a gem–I think you should keep him:) Any man who can make jokes while his wife is out putting up sixteen different colors of green, deserves an award of his own! (You sound like me, so don’t think that was an insult:) I know you’ll love what you come up with. Have you prayed yet? I always ask the Lord to lead me! As wives, we’re making our home a haven, and I know the Lord cares about that very much, so He will help you–ask Him!
    Faith’s Firm Foundation