Twin Bobs~

There seems to be a standoff in my kitchen…
a war under the spoons…
I am not sure what to do….

I can’t take sides….

They both have good qualities…

They both seem to get along with Mr. Curtain…
I think??


is that a peace offering  in the middle…

uh oh…

don’t look now…

extra troops have arrived …

will green surrender??

Are you tired of this paint war?…

Me too…

You know what I did to escape it??

you won’t believe this…

poor dog!

it had to be done…

they were dragging on the ground…

collecting bugs, buggers, food…

disturbing really…

remember this rascal?

look closely at those beautiful King Charles Cavalier Ears…

Long, curly, wavy, adorable…

I only took an inch or two off…

now you can see more of his Cocker Spaniel side…

they will grow back…

I just went through this with my little girl…

her hair was just getting in the way…

dragging on the ground…

tempting the dog..

Now they both have “bobs” ….

Twin bobs…

why do they call it a “bob” anyway!??

They say Dogs and Owners look alike…

Do you think you look like your pet?

just a little??    =)

16 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 dysfunctional mom yazmış:

    Nooo, no blue…I love the green! The dark green especially.

  • 2 citymouse yazmış:

    Good luck with the kitchen! I like the darker green. It actually looks alot like my bathroom color. I always go darker than lighter, but that may just be me.

  • 3 Jules yazmış:

    Green for sure, no blue. I really like the middle green.

  • 4 Mikki yazmış:

    Ahhh… the paint decision.. I hate those.. good luck with that.. Hope you figure that out soon..

    Love the ‘bobbsie’ twins .. too cute!

  • 5 Julianne yazmış:

    so sweet…love the pup–we are getting ours at the end of may! is he a tricolor?

  • 6 Amanda @ Serenity Now yazmış:

    That pup is so stinkin’ cute!!!!!

  • 7 Megan yazmış:

    Oh my gosh, picking paint colors is the bane to my existence!!!!!! I am terrible at it. Just terrible. That being said, I’ve learned a little trick from my mother-in-law, who is excellent at picking paint colors. You pick the color that you like the most on the paint chip, and then go a shade lighter when you pick the actual paint. For some reason, this works. I have no idea why, but it does.

    Love the twin bobs!! 🙂

  • 8 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    I’m liking the middle green! Good luck.

  • 9 Kristi yazmış:

    LOL!!! I love the darker green, love it! It will make your cabinets pop, just my opinion. Get those dang blue paint samples out girl! Every time I see them I start to chuckle!!

    Cute bobs!!

  • 10 Annonandon yazmış:

    Too Funny! You need to hide those scissors…. just in case. LOL
    I’m a green girl, but I’m sure whatever you do it will be beautiful. I love that bird plate. 😀

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  • 11 Lindsay @ Kids Are Teachers yazmış:

    I like the left spoon. The color is soooo nice and relaxing!
    Welcome to SITS! I know you’ll enjoy yourself 🙂

  • 12 Steph yazmış:

    So cute! I like the dark green, its warmer. I think you like either green though as they are both beautiful!!!

  • 13 Krissi yazmış:

    Cute dog! Happy Painting!!

  • 14 abby yazmış:

    Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have to tell you that I LOVE green in a kitchen. If you haven’t already chosen, I have to vote for the lighter green. I might be partial since that is just about the color I have in my kitchen and I LOVE it! It’s bright and happy!

    And you did a great job with the hair cuts. I don’t have a child but I do have a dog and I wouldn’t dream of trying to cut his hair. I can’t imagine. Maybe your dog is better mannered than mine:) I’m going to say that is a for-sure yes.

  • 15 Laurel H. yazmış:

    If the choice is ONLY between the greens, then I definitely like the darker green. Good luck on that!

  • 16 Courtney Walsh yazmış:

    I am totally drawn to green too…but I cannot make up my mind about which one. I am constantly wanting to paint but never seem to be able to figure out which direction to go in!! ack!Good luck!!