5:00 Shadow



5:52 shadow

in this case…

Neat, huh?!

One minute it was there…

gone the next…


look at the time on the clock!!   =)

can you guess what the shadows are??


Speaking of shadows…

Every morning my children warm up in the curtain…

why do contractors put heaters directly under windows anyway??

I mean really…

how effective is heat near a cold window during winter months?

and who wants to heat the inside of your curtain instead of the room…

oh anyway…

The kids are glad they are under the windows…

THIS is what I see every morning….

funny little guy…

dance like an Egyptian…

Isn’t there a yoga position like that?

Silly monkeys ….

my sweet girl.


speaking of my little girl….

She scored her first goal of the spring soccer season today!!

2nd game of the season!!

Proud mommy!

They won their 1st game last Saturday…

and they won their 2nd game today!!

2 wins in a row!

Proud little Cheetahs and Proud Parents!

you see….

The team has been playing 7 seasons together…  I think?

(taking winters off)

They haven’t exactly won many games … =)

Every season their skills improved…

little by little…

It has been so fun to see them go from little girls with a soccer ball…

to little soccer players!

Just look at that happy face…

I love it!

This year they are really playing as a “Team”  =)

Each girl on the team has a strength…

which compliments the team..

Abby is a thinker…

She always knows where the ball is and where she needs to be…

Her athletic skills are kicking in too…

she has got the fancy foot work thing going on…

Very fun!

I am not exactly a sporty kind of chick…

and Mr. McFunny…

not so much a sporty kinda guy…


It is very fun to see OUR daughter begin to master a sport at such a young age!

Proud mommy (and daddy!)  =)


I am done…

he he he… =)



Our precious kitty Nelly has not come home.

It has been 6 nights and 6 days now…

darn it.

9 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 dysfunctional mom yazmış:

    Love the shadow pics & the shadow kids!
    Sorry about the kitty….I hope he shows up.

  • 2 kendra yazmış:

    the shadow picture, I know part of it is a plant. Maybe your kitchen faucet?

    SOrry about the kitty. If its any encouragement, I lost my kitty when I was a little kid, she ran away in the midst of moving. We had to leave her at the old house and drive hundreds of miles to new house. We told the neighbors to keep an eye out. At the end of the summer my dad was going past the old house for work and stopped in to see if she’d turned up. She had. He brought her home to me. SHe was declawed in the front and still survived a whole summer out in the country. Cats are pretty tough, keep hoping!

  • 3 Kathleen Smith yazmış:

    Still hoping that your kitty, Nelly comes home soon. As a huge cat lover I understand when they go missing and don’t come back and that loss you feel inside. I am always optimistic that someone else has captured their hearts and has taken them in.

    Love these pictures of your shadows! They are beautiful and amazing at the same time.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  • 4 Amanda @ Serenity Now yazmış:

    Hope Nelly gets her senses back and comes home!!

    Love the soccer pics. 🙂

    Thanks for the visit!

  • 5 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Hope you see your kitty soon. I like your shadow pics. How clever of you!

  • 6 Steph yazmış:

    Loving the pictures, and so sorry that your kitty isn’t home yet. =(

  • 7 The Little Red Shop yazmış:

    Ahh…I’m praying for your kitty! Congratulations with the soccer and your sweetie. And a faucet and a house plant….

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!

    : )

    Julie M.

  • 8 LeAnna yazmış:

    Poor kitty! Maybe a neighbor let her inside for a few days, and their cat food is just to good to resist!? 🙂

  • 9 Housewife Bliss yazmış:

    loved the shadow play, such a fun idea.