If you give a mom a Pioneer Woman cookbook….

She will bake….

First she will find a recipe that she is craving that minute

and she will cream butter and sugar together…

then she will crack an egg into it….

while her lovely 9 year old snaps a picture

(in action mode of course)

Then she will sift flour into the bowl…

and accidentally get some on the handle ….

of her secret baking weapon  =)

works better than a spoon!

She might change one ingredient….

because her kids don’t love marmalade …

blueberries are nice in muffins…

sorry PW!

then she will put vinegar in milk…

since she doesn’t have butter milk…

and pour it in…

while her brilliant 9 year old snaps another action shot!

the mom likes the daughter helping take the action shots…

The mom pulls out her Wilton baking cups

since she doesn’t have a muffin tin…

and she uses PAM in them…

Then she fills the cups 1/2 full..

and places blueberries on top…

that look like eyes and a nose…

no room for a smile folks…

Her hand will look like this…

she might lick it before she washes it…

and resumes baking…

Then she will add more batter

and blueberries…

Since she has extra batter…

she will use the butter wrappers to grease a small cake pan…

She thinks she is pretty clever using those butter wrappers…

Then because the mom is silly…

she will make a happyface in the batter…

she does that sort of thing…

Remember the muffin post … (go here to see what I mean)

and those of you who were asking for the banana zucchini muffin mix…

should definitely click there

(after you comment here of course)!  =)

Then the mom will finish placing blueberries

and sugar on top the batter… yum!

The mom smells yummy muffins in the oven…


A few minutes later …

the mom with the Pioneer Woman cookbook will give those tasty muffins to her young…

and they will eat breakfast.


Then the mom might take her daughter to school…

and her son to “uncle Peters” house

because he is like grandpa to her kids…

and She might…


Go Junk Shopping with “Auntie Margaret”…

after she clicks publish.

The mom might go by the name ~Jenn~ when she is not called Mommy…

the end.


In honor of my giveaway ~  the Signed copy of The Pioneer Woman Cooks ~

I am going to post a recipe from her cookbook every day from now until the giveaway closes next Wed. at 12 Midnight Pacific Coast time!  =)

However, I am not going to reveal the measurements of her recipes!!

that would be rude… right?

I highly recommend you all go buy a copy… after you put your name in for my giveaway and wait to see if you win!!  =)


the Junk store just called … I am late!

18 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Adrienne yazmış:

    Cute post and I so want a muffin now

  • 2 naomig yazmış:

    Seriously, thos marmalade muffins are AMAZING. And, they don’t taste like marmalade. They are glorious, and one of my new fav recipes. Try them the way she wrote them. We call them Crack hereabouts, they are that good. Or Marmuffins. 😉

  • 3 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    mmmm….you are making me drool! I love going to her website and looking at all the wonderful pictures of food. I can’t wait to win that book!

  • 4 LeAnna yazmış:

    MMMm, love me some blueberry muffins. I made them marmalade style, and found that I didn’t like marmalade either. I should convert them to blueberry muffins, too. Yum, yum, yum. Have fun junk shopping!

  • 5 blueviolet yazmış:

    I loved the step by step. That was so much fun!!! Blueberry muffins are my favorite kind of muffin!!!

  • 6 Val yazmış:

    Well… NOW I’ve got to guess on the measurements… Give a woman a cookbook! You should name it that! I loved those books with my kids.

  • 7 Julianne yazmış:

    listen, you did all that before SCHOOL!!?? Holy moly, I can barely breathe before 7AM!

  • 8 He & Me + 3 yazmış:

    All I have to say is…I want that cookbook and I want some of those muffins. Yum
    I’m Having a giveaway today if you can stop by.

  • 9 Kathleen Smith yazmış:

    There is nothing like the smell that calls to you no matter where you are in your home, that blueberry muffins are baking. YUM! I can smell them from here.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  • 10 janna @ 2Cool4myMinivan yazmış:

    I was reading along as my mouth was watering for your blueberry muffins, but then I got to the end and chuckled as you mentioned your real name when you’re not being called Mommy. I sometimes forget that I have another name too 🙂

  • 11 Darcie yazmış:

    All these recipes just might do me in…I am on my way over to PW now to leave my comment, just to come back and comment on yours that I did. What can I say…it’s a slow Friday night here in our corner of the world.

  • 12 Lemonade Makin' Mama yazmış:

    You are awesome.. I did a Month of Ree a while back. I believe it was in December. I cooked only PW recipes. That was stupid.

    I should have thrown in a few (many) salad nights…


    Off to a run. Then pushups. Then abs.

    Totally kidding. I’m just too lazy to care. LOL

  • 13 Debby Pucci yazmış:

    Okay – tomorrow I am going to get my book out of the cabinet and actually look through it. I bought it because everyone raves about it so I guess I should start using it.
    Yum on the muffins!

  • 14 The Little Red Shop yazmış:

    Cute! I love to bake…and actually would if I could find my counters!!!

    I’m so sorry about Nelly, I hope that she will come home…God knows. My barn kitty Johnny disappeared for at least 6 months once! He’s with the Lord now…which is what I choose to believe…that’ he’s happy and healthy..hanging out in heaven. Peep appears to be doing well, thank you so much for your concern. Her ear is disfigured…but it doesn’t seem to bother her too much. Poor little thing. I hope that Nelly is okay. : (

    God bless you!

    Julie M

  • 15 Cindy yazmış:

    Yum…those look good!
    We are trying the cinnamon toast (the right way) this morning!
    Sure hope I win that book….if not one is coming from the library soon!:)
    Enjoy the day!

  • 16 lucy yazmış:

    Now you have me craving muffins. This cookbook sounds intriguing.

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  • 17 Michele yazmış:

    I’m making the rounds for SITS Saturday. There are so many more than just “the one above you.” Great blog!

  • 18 Kate @ Bliss and That yazmış:

    Glad you stopped by to see me! 🙂 Nice meeting you too! And this cookbook is on my Amazon wishlist! I’ve never even seen one in real life, but the photos are amazing and the recipes right up my alley! 🙂

    Blessings, Kate