Camping in Cannon Beach ~

Welcome to Sea Ranch RV Park and Stables …

site 14E

We used to stay in their cute little cabins…

but last year we had the stupid brilliant idea

that we should introduce our kids to tent camping..

besides we are on a tight budget…

especially after having my 3rd and 4th crown placed today

I don’t want to talk about it…

camping… in a tent…

that is how we roll these days… 😉

the tent master…

in his free lime green geek t-shirt from the Linux Fest 2009

Father son bonding takes place while putting up the tent…

it will be a tradition!  cute stuff!

the tent masters helper

after his job was done

and the dog keeper

the chewmaster

doing what he does best

off bad dog off



where did the dog keeper go?


the bunnies

Sea Ranch RV park has bunnies

that roam the land

and even come see if you have lettuce in your hand


its all about the bunnies in this place.

now I am just going to give my honest opinion here…

We like the Sea Ranch RV Park

We have camped there at least 8 times ~ give or take one?

but the staff are a little shy of intelligent..

we can live with that

and the horses


I feel sorry for them…

the conditions look better from farther away…

But we enjoy camping in this relatively quiet camp ground…

but the hubby had to say it…

he had to mention that we have had good luck with quiet camping trips

at the Sea Ranch RV…

not so much this time…

while we were having a quiet family campfire…

a little teensy weensy ugh… fight broke out…

cussing, screaming, crazy “high” people burst out of their motor home…

and used words I don’t care to repeat…

alas… it seemed to simmer down fairly quickly…

but while we were sound asleep…

at 1:00 am…

It happened again…

and it lasted much much longer…

just one word.


other than that little out burst…

we love camping at Sea Ranch RV Park…

but I think we will leave this guy home next time…

he is more of an indoor dog…

Just look at the poor confused dog

“is this the door to go inside”

When can I go inside?

love Merlin.

16 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Cindy yazmış:

    Oh…family camping!
    Quite the experience!
    But oh so much fun!
    Merlin does look a little confused..but still sweet!:)
    Enjoy the day!

  • 2 The Cozy Kettle yazmış:

    Thanks so much for coming by my little blog! Great post~ the tent master cracked me up this morning. That’s so my husband….lol.

    Hope you have a beautiful day~ J

  • 3 Summer yazmış:

    Well, at least you got some good photos out of it! I haven’t tried camping with the kids yet, but it’s on my list. PS That dog is too cute. 🙂

  • 4 blueviolet yazmış:

    Definitely a mixture of good and bad there, but yes, the poor dog looks lost!

  • 5 He & Me + 3 yazmış:

    Oh no about the loud crazy neighbors…or whatever you call the others. That would have driven me crazy too.
    Poor doggie. I’m gonna say this wasn’t her favorite vacation. LOL Great pictures though. How fun to camp together in a tent.

  • 6 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    Awww…poor puppy! HA.
    Looks like a nice camp ground. too bad about the “scuffle”. i thought that’s why we get out of the city, for some peace & quiet!

    BTY, the Apple-Feta pizza recipe is on my blog under the “recipe” label (on the second page). I can send you the geround turkey bake recipe if you let me know your email address!

  • 7 Wendy S yazmış:

    What a darling post! Makes me want to dust off the camping gear and hit the road. The campground looks great, I like to camp in grass not dirt. By the way that is quite possibly the cutest dog I have ever seen! Just look at those wiskers… Is he a Cocker or a Springer?

  • 8 No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane yazmış:

    THIS is the life!

  • 9 Kathleen Smith yazmış:

    This is something we are going to tackle this year as our kids have never been tent camping. I love the fact that there are bunnies all over the place. Now I know both our girls would love that.

    Don’t you just hate it when people are rude that are out there camping right alongside you?

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  • 10 naomig yazmış:

    Hmm… we camp A LOT,but you know that. 🙂 We usually go into the woods where there are no other people, or “souls” as my youngest calls them, as in, “Nope, there are no souls out here!!!” Momma, where are all the souls?!” Anyway, next time you have people break out in a fight when it’s inappropriate, here’s what you do. You YELL, as loud as you can to make them stop a minute. Then you cock your shotgun and tell them you’re going to shoot them dead if they don’t stop interrupting your sleep. A hillbilly accent is preferable. Hey, it’s worth a try.

  • 11 Julie yazmış:

    Bunnies!!! I don’t know why but that made me laugh! My kids would love that!

    We had the same experience the last time we went camping! This fight went on and on. The cursing was horrible and my kids could hear it all. The cops were finally summoned! Kind of a damper on the nice quiet trip. Oh well…it added excitement to the day! ha ha

    Looks like you all had a great time! Despite the tent!

  • 12 Teresa yazmış:

    I love camping!! We didn’t have a chance to get out last year but this year we are making an extra effort to get out.
    Thanks for commenting on the “green monster” love that recipe. I am not much of a blogger as I would like to be. I just need to not be so busy 🙂

  • 13 Misty Dawn yazmış:

    That is so cool with the bunnies!
    We had a similar experience while camping once… screaming, cursing, and some child abuse. It was horrible.

  • 14 Sushicookie yazmış:

    Stopping by from Sits. Man this makes me wanna go camping!!

  • 15 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Great pictures…and great memories, I’m sure! Our best memories are made camping as a family! But, alas…Angel stays home.
    Our next camping trip will be at Glacier…and she’d be bear bait, for sure. She’s only 10 pounds…just a little appetizer for a bear or cougar…yep, she’s better off at home! 🙂

    It looks like you had fun, though – you can’t fool me!

  • 16 Dan yazmış:

    Family camping is the best. Seeing those smiles makes me miss my family. When I was a kid we used to go along the beach and camp. Fishing is one of our favorite activities. If we caught any it will be our dinner if none, mom will just open canned tuna. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to do it again with them.