3 nights and 3 days

The Fun began Friday about 4:00 pm

Five Canadian relatives rolled into our driveway

and for 3 nights and 3 days

life was all about being enjoyed


It All Started With Pot Roast

Perfect Pot Roast

not one but

Have I mentioned  little girl LOVES Pioneer Woman’s recipes??

LOVES them!

She requested about 5 recipes from her cookbook b/c

she wanted to share the yummy goodness we have found with her cousins!  =)

they were loved by all

and have become our family favorites already!

Bless You Ree!

we might have enjoyed a few other PW recipes

over the course of the weekend

I might have added a little chocolate powder to them…maybe…

and for breakfast I might have made a billion  of these

Yes they are from my Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook! =)

A billion I tell you ~ her pancakes were a HUGE hit!!

We were not surprised ~ as we LOVE Edna Mae’s Sour Cream Pancakes!!

At some point in our married family life

Mr. McGenius started making crepes for the kids on weekends

He googled a crepe recipe

and it quickly became a family favorite

he has a secret ingredient

I made crepes as a pre-teen kid ~ back in the day!

but we didn’t have this sweet goodness

we used cooked berries or apples with cinnamon sugar – yum!


Would you like to know what else we did besides eat!

I love that the cousins are such good friends

They are all about the same age

There is always Loads of giggling

and very little arguing! =)

Sweet Blessings to have cousins for good friends!



6 of those babies were going at any given time ~

and the grown ups were included in the fun! =)


Grown ups allowed  1/2 hour a day

per kid (times 5 kids mind you!)

It rained a fair amount this weekend!  =)

don’t worry the “techy time” was only part of the fun!

I see I spelled it wrong

nice  =)

do you know I home school?  =)

I love this game!  it is Great for little minds!

here is the box in case you want to buy it!

Sammy made this treasure ALL BY HIMSELF

a month ago…

and he had a fall

tears were welling up

accidents happen

no worries ~ he was repaired =) whew!


I may have bribed the kids to sit down

and draw ~ since they seemed to want techy time A LOT =)

I might have offered them candy

to draw  detailed pictures

from books I recently acquired from the library

See the beautiful art

that was created from bribing candy

these WONDERFUL books

One might think I was obsessed captivated by The Pioneer Woman’s blog

since my posts seem to have her name ALL over them!

I heart Ree ~ she inspires good food and good reading in my house!

I will link you to her post on these books later in the week!

I have only peeked at them and I LOVE them! =)

Thank you Ree!


We did Make it Outside a little

The kids had a great time together




on a giant tire we found

and jumping some more

because the mom’s wanted fun pictures

don’t worry ~ they had fun doing it! =)

these pics were taken by my sister in law

I took some too ~ but hers were my favorite!

I am not posting faces of my husbands family~

as they haven’t seen my blog yet (5 months later) =)

I was trying to get my feet off the ground first

(ha ha)

maybe I will send them this link

and get permission to post faces in the future?! =)

anyway ~

the kids always have SO much FUN together

inside or outside

It is fun hanging around with their cousins!

Even Merlin had a GREAT weekend with family here

Dang ~ Merlin is Sooooo darn CUTE! =)


This morning we waved goodbye

as they drove out of the driveway



and we will carry on

with life as we know it.


Goodbye Wags ~ we love ya!


for the next 24-48 hours (minus sleeping)

I plan on blog hopping ~ to catch up with ya all!

in all my spare “blogging time”

when I am not

painting sets for Abby’s class play

or cooking dinner

or doing laundry

or washing dishes

or walking the pooch

or playing taxi mom

or forcing kids to bathe

or enforcing education!


see ya around blog land!

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