Our Long Weekend started with a play…
Our Long Weekend started with some time off on Friday
well… The hubby took time off on Friday
So I could support kids all day! =)
Friday I started my day watching the morning performance of my daughters play =)
She had a small part as a singer in the background
She is a shy little monkey ~ so the part was perfect !
confidence building one baby step at a time! =)
Then I went to the local School Daze book store
2 1/2 hours later
I put a bunch of larger print Math workbooks on hold
which ORLA will purchase for me to use next year =)
Then I took curriculum I already had to ORLA (where Sammy takes classes)
and I stood at the copy machine ~ for 2 more hours ~
*sigh* it is a good head start for next Fall =)
6 workbooks went from 8 1/2 x 11 to 11 x 17
I hope this is my last year of enlarging materials…
maybe in 3rd grade he will be old enough to master using his mini globe
the mini globe enlarges a 2 x 2 inch space on a page
I figure once he has mastered working through pages
then have him work on mastering the use of the globe!~ ?? =)
anyway ~ That was not my favorite part of the day ~
but a productive part!
I did stop at Borders Books
to buy this for ME…
after reading SO MANY encouraging reviews about this book
and how it changed all your lives
I have high expectations!! ha ha!
I am excited to finally read it myself!! =)
Friday night Abby’s class had the official performance of their play
Reach for the Stars
It was a fun play about Important People in the History of Space Exploration
Abby was a Ra Ra Girl =) Singing backround music
She had fun! We were proud of our shy little monkey!
She had a surprise for us…
She had a little speaking part too…
Thanking the piano teacher and giving her flowers…
She was proud of herself for doing that part! =)
Sweet shy girl!!
Saturday Morning I took Abby and a very good friend ~
to observe a Horse Therapy session at a local Horse Ranch
When Abby did the Pet Care Badge a few weeks ago
The lady who volunteers with the Horse Therapy & Dog Therapy came to speak …
She invited Abby and a friend to come observe Horse Therapy
as Girl Scouts of course!
So Saturday ~~~
we went to the Horse Ranch
and This ~ This Handsome boy is Teddy!
Teddy was one of my favorites!
The girls toured the ranch with Marlo
they met some horse ranch staff and volunteers
and ~ and they met these adorable therapists
Cami and Doodle
Aren’t they just the cutest little miniature horses you have EVER seen! =)
I will write a full post about this experience later in the week
when I have permission from the Ranch owner!~
I forgot to ask!!
She offered to let the girls come clean stalls as a “Service Project”
they might even get to indulge in a little horse time too! =)
Though a little apprehensive about horse poop ~ they are excited to go back!
ha ha!
Sunday I spent most of my day Cooking ~
Cooking with this chick =)
We met in High School a LONG time ago!
Somehow we lost touch after our first year of College
16 years later ~ in 2004 ~
we ran into each other in the local pumpkin patch =)
we each have a boy and a girl about the same ages!~
It has been fun having her in my life again!
So Sunday ~ I cooked ~ WE cooked ~
a huge pot of Chili
this is one large bowl from the huge pot! I swear!
a large pot of Chicken Curry Lentil Soup
a dozen Twice baked potatoes
**how did I forget to take pictures of these yummy delights?!**
and 32 PW Cinnamon Rolls …
We were tired and sore!! Whew… aren’t you tired thinking about it?!
The food is deserves 3 posts all to their own!! =)
Which recipe shall I post about first??
How was your long weekend??
May 31st, 2010 saat: 5:06 pm
Definitely post about the cinnamon rolls. LOL YUM
Theater is so good for kids self confidence. My girls have been involved with theater since they were 4. They love it.
She looks great on stage.
Those horses are beautiful too. How cool that they might get to help.
Happy Memorial Day.
May 31st, 2010 saat: 5:15 pm
Abby looks like a pro! And, I adore those mini horses.
Glad you had a wonderful weekend!
May 31st, 2010 saat: 5:22 pm
I would love to hear about your cinnamon rollS!! AND, what do you do about the chewing???? He is already starting to get into things he knows he shouldn’t. Is a trainer the key?
May 31st, 2010 saat: 6:17 pm
Oh the cinnamon rolls!!!
Really want to try those soon!
Wondering how the maple icing will be???
Your daughter is so beautiful and good for her!
Enjoy the night!
May 31st, 2010 saat: 7:05 pm
Wow…those cinnamon buns look Y-U-M-M-Y! Sounds like a busy weekend. Can’t wait to hear about the horse ranch….I love horses!
May 31st, 2010 saat: 9:53 pm
Thanks for the cinnamon rolls…they were delicious! We all enjoyed them for dessert tonight.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 3:09 am
Cinnamon rolls please!! Teddy is really cute too. I am glad you posted pictures of your daughter’s play… she’s precious!
June 1st, 2010 saat: 4:07 am
I have So Long Insecurity too. I have yet to read it though. This reminded me that I better start!
That chicken curry soup looks really good! Post that recipe first. 🙂
How fun that you did all that cooking/baking with a friend.
I want to try PW’s cinnamon rolls sometime- they look delish!
And, yes, sometimes I want to click “Like” too! 🙂 Actually, some bloggers have that option at the bottom of their posts.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 4:47 am
I wouldn’t mind eating at your house. You cook delicious yumyums!!! Can’t wait to hear about the ranch. And your darling little girl is precious. What a terrific experience.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 6:58 am
I want to get Beth Moore’s new book, too! You’ll have to do a book review when you’re done! Hope it’s a good read – I’ve heard nothing but good about it. (I like her stuff, anyhow!)
How fun to cook with a friend! All your goodies look so yummy. I love your food pictures!
2 hours at the copier, huh?
What Mommas do for their kids. 🙂 You’re a good Mom. Sammy’s a lucky boy!
June 1st, 2010 saat: 8:44 am
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I would love to know what you think about the Beth Moore book too. Until then, my best,
June 1st, 2010 saat: 8:51 am
Please post the cinnamon rolls first, please!!! Those look fabulous! I’d love to be cooking up a storm with my bestie from high school, she lives in Washington and we don’t see much of each other but talk weekly! That is so awesome that you two found each other again!
Those mini horses are so cute!!
June 1st, 2010 saat: 9:18 am
I’ve never read any Beth Moore, but I hear great things about her from everybody. We barbequed, ate with friends and family, and my husband and I worked in the yard (him) and cleaned house (me) yesterday. Ugh.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 9:47 am
i can’t wait to hear what you think of that book. it’s on my list, too.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 11:40 am
Wow…the end of the year activities are exhausting, aren’t they!! Way to go on getting a head start for fall.
And…the PW cinnamon rolls look delicious. I tried making those one time and they turned out like little hockey pucks. I seriously suck at all things “bread”. I don’t know what my problem is.
The curry lentil chicken soup sounds delicious. I’m thinking that should be shared here on your blog..don’t ya think??
June 1st, 2010 saat: 1:25 pm
Wow, that’s a whole lot o cookin you been doin’!! I made a bunch of PW’s recipes this last week too. I got her book and now I can’t stop. She’s so great. She’s also gonna make me gain about 10 pounds if I keep this up.
June 1st, 2010 saat: 5:11 pm
Holy cow!!! I’m way impressed!
June 1st, 2010 saat: 6:25 pm
Yes, Beth Moore — awesome! I can’t wait for you to read it, it’s so worth your time girl 🙂
June 1st, 2010 saat: 6:36 pm
good for abby! the mini horses were aDORable! and i loved seeing your dog cashed out on the floor in your book photo. 🙂
June 1st, 2010 saat: 8:29 pm
I had such a fun time cooking with you Jenn! I hope we can do it again, and again, and again. The cinnamon rolls were a big hit with my husband’s WSP crew. In fact, I received a call that evening from one of his fellow troopers saying he was thinking of having 2nds. The next morning, my husband said the guy had 4ths. 🙂 Love ya! p.s. Abby looks adorable!