Gooey Goodness ~

There is a first time for everything

At nearly 40 I have never ever made cinnamon rolls!  ever!

See ~ I made these !


I don’t really have proof that

” I “ made them!

we did break child labor laws

use some child labor

Don't Spill that milk!

she was having fun


measure that oil correctly girl ~ my heart depends on it!

We were nice to her the whole time.

She was there at her own free Will.


Stir faster child ~ Stir faster

See ~

she’s smiling!

Ain’t she pretty?!!

Use those muscles Girl, use em!!

I think she left after this stage

not sure why



You all know I have recently gained weight cooked a billion Pioneer Woman recipes, right?

The Pioneer Woman is Hilarious  and I love funny people!

and she is an amazing cook ~ who happens to inspire the inner cook in me!

Bless you Ree!


So ~ for the first time ever ~  last weekend ~

I cooked Cinnamon Rolls

Cool ~ rising dough!

did I tell you that I am afraid of cooking with yeast?

I always screw it up!

So anyway I made Cinnamon Rolls~

The Pioneer Woman Cooks Cinnamon Rolls.

we followed all her steps correctly

Butter. Lots and lots of butter.

Sugar. Cinnamon. lots and lots of sugar!

I think we accidentally used one cup too much?!

honest mistake.


See Ree and Me … We are friends..

sorta.. kinda…

well… indirectly we are. right?


sorry.   it must be the cold medicine!

good thing I didn’t try to roll this gooey mess

while taking cold medicine

I had trouble enough withOUT it!

So folks

Most of you asked me to share the Cinnamon Roll recipe first

from all the yummy cooking I did this weekend

with this chick

I love her too.

We go WAY back

to the 80’s!

Can I just say…

Her little man was really patient with us crazy cooks that day

and he didn’t even get to enjoy that gooey goodness

because he eats gluten free

Don’t worry ~ she made him GF brownies!  I think?


There you have it

our secret was PW.

she is like a secret weapon in the kitchen


Secret Agent PW.

I’m sorry.

My mind really does do that.  A LOT.

Click HERE and learn how to cook these

Gooey Goodness!

the end.

now if you will excuse me

I need to go find me some butter and sugar to eat!

did you ever do that as a child?

eat butter and sugar?

just wondering?

23 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Colleen yazmış:

    Wonderful! I am impressed – and your are pretty whitty yourself!

  • 2 abby yazmış:

    Yum!! I haven’t made those yet, but my friend did and she gave me some! To.die.for!!! PW knows what is up! Have you made her salsa yet? Seriously. you must try it!

  • 3 Lori yazmış:

    Wow – you make it look fun! I’ve never made them before either. 🙂

  • 4 blueviolet yazmış:

    Well that’s it. I have to buy that book!

  • 5 Chelsi yazmış:

    I have to make these soon!!!

  • 6 Janna yazmış:

    Wow! Glad you said they were easy. Yeast is scary to me too, but just 2 nights ago I was on the PW website, and I saved this recipe to try out this summer. Thanks for letting me know it’s doable and not scary!

  • 7 Lindsay yazmış:

    They look great Jenn. I love Cinnamon Rolls but have never made them either.

  • 8 Beka yazmış:

    Just the other night, maybe a week or two ago, we made these. Actually, my older sis did, and since it’s been a couple years since she’s made bread dough of any sort (I’ve been the bread-maker, haha), she was ….ahem…ignorant enough to try and START a new recipe (this one) around 8pm, maybe 8:30.
    I kept my mouth to myself and they ended up being done baking around 10pm? 😉
    Yes, we’d just gone on an evening walk, and we each had probably two. Though I prefer it without the frosting stuff…
    It. Was. Amazing.
    *sight* I tell ya! 😀
    Looks like you had fun, though:)

  • 9 He & Me + 3 yazmış:

    OMGosh those look so good I might have to stop by cinnabon on the way home from soccer practice. YUM
    Thanks for sharing.

  • 10 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    Thanks loads! I gained 10 pounds just LOOKING at the photos of those delicious rolls!


    And, you are a good, patient mommy to make these with your daughter. Patient mommy. Wow. Amazing.

  • 11 Tammy yazmış:

    Yum!!! they were great!

  • 12 Genn yazmış:

    Those look absolutely to die for!! I am afraid if I make them, I will eat ALL of them!

  • 13 Jules yazmış:

    I’ve had her cinnamon rolls before. They are the absolute best! No dieting with those…

  • 14 Laura yazmış:

    I want one of those. Right now. YUMMY!!
    You are kind of inspiring me to try to make something. I love to cook but I am so not a baker but man those look good… 🙂

  • 15 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    Love the Pioneer Woman! And, cinnamon rolls. Those look amazing!!

  • 16 Megan yazmış:

    Ooh, those look so yummy! I have always been afraid to make cinnamon rolls – unless they are of the Pillsbury tube variety. Maybe I should try to branch out. Were they hard to make??

  • 17 Julie yazmış:

    Oh, you know I ate butter and sugar..It was one of my chores to make the cookies for the week…so yes…I had my fair share.

    Now..back to the cinnamon rolls. Seriously, mine didn’t turn out…and i followed Ree’s recipe to a tee. What is wrong with me. I was born with a “all things yeast” defect. Nothing I ever make with yeast turns out. I’m not lying!

  • 18 Alison yazmış:

    YUMMY! Those look great. I posted about my PW cookbook last week! I’m am enjoying it SO MUCH! Thanks again!!!

  • 19 Cindy yazmış:

    Company coming soon…we are definitely making those!
    Enjoy the day!

  • 20 Aundrea yazmış:

    Feeling better??? These look yummy, but I gotta tell ya- I am NOT a baker. I do like to cook- just not bake. Your post was certainly entertaining- kept me giggling!!

  • 21 Nancy yazmış:

    You know that I can cinnamon rolls any time, any place and of any kind. I NEED to get my hiney in gear and make these suckers. NOW! Yummmmm

  • 22 Lily yazmış: i have to make these. seriously!! i don’t ever bake… but the boys love to help now- so maybe I can make it happen… like today!

  • 23 kim yazmış:

    I have heard amazing things about those PW cinnamon rolls. Never made her recipe though. Did it live up to the hype?