Turkey burgers & nutella… on a boring weekend!

On the 4th of July we ate these little babies!

Can you say yum!  I found a new favorite food!  =)

Inspired by Jen @ 3 Little Monkeys

I decided to try making  Turkey burgers again… (after failed attempts in the past!) =)

Not this time baby!  though I did not use Jen’s recipe… her posted recipe helped me overcome my failed attempts and try try again!~ Thanks Jen~

Hubby and I loved them… neighbors asked what was grilling … and my friend Heather enjoyed one with a thumbs up too!  my picky eaters ate them without too much fuss… I will take it!

We also made these .. inspired by Julianne @ From the Beginning

though I added an ingredient… it was her idea!! =)

I will post the secret recipes at the end of my ramblings about our low key boring holiday weekend!  =)

We are really lame parents… and decided to take advantage of the 3 day holiday weekend as a work weekend… since the rest of our month is crazy busy FUN! =) don’t worry the kids were happy despite the lack of plans and fun!~ wouldn’t you if your mom and dad gave you these!?

I think there was a museum and a store involved in their day…???

ha ha~

Our garage was in need of a major overhaul

soon we would not be able to park walk in it

the garage a few hours into “the sort” … Peter Walsh style…

keep, toss, sell, recycle!

mind you bikes, garbage cans, scooters, etc. were already out of the garage at this point.  I should have turned around and taken a pic of that too… *sigh*

so while hubby was cleaning and sorting away outside…

I was cleaning away inside…Remember my bag a day posts… that I failed to keep up with 2 times?  I don’t want to talk about it… just sayin… i didn’t fail this time!  I also sorted through HUGE mountains of KIDS stuff… papers… craft junk… OH MY!…

Oh…  we are getting ready to have a garage sale to sell the kids stuff for them … and donate the rest to a thrift store that supports Children’s hospital!  maybe we will walk away with some funny money for a mini camping vacation down the coast..  =)

here are a few pics of our madness!

um…toys… bye bye toys.

1/2 the kids books… maybe 1/3 ??  Most purchased at Goodwill or Value Village or garage sales… just saying!  we could make some serious money at 50 cents a book… I don’t want to know how much I spent to acquire them~!

the Thomas stuff just needs sorting… not much of this will be parted with! just stored.  it is a sad day when your children stop playing with Thomas.

this area still needs some serious sorting help…

don’t let the bins fool ya!

and so does this area..

good bye hooked on phonics

good bye dvd’s we are ready to part with. =)

Oh look I found more books to part with… my little boy is now beginning to read chapter books… bye bye early readers… sniff…

and this special guy…

is already gone…in last years garage sale!  =)

there is a story behind this monkey lamp…

maybe I will tell it tomorrow…

Do you WANT to hear the Monkey lamp story??  =)

like the box says… DON’T LAUGH … at my monkey lamp! =)

I liked the monkey lamp for many reasons!   ah ha ha ha!


So folks… I NEEDED a work weekend!  b/c the garage sale is THIS weekend… the same weekend I have a very  good friend who loves me dearly and doesn’t mind that I am having a garage sale when she comes to visit me!!  =)  right Corina… you still love me… right?!  I will seek permission to post about my dear friend Corina later in the week !! with pics!  =)


On the evening of the 4th …We did stop and have our yummy BBQ dinner and then had a couple of friends over (last minute) for drinks and cards.. which ended up being drinks and laughter instead… =)  and we watched a few fireworks in the neighborhood .. before watching a fireworks show on tv… we were spoiling Merlin… not sure how he would do with his first 4th… he was nervous but fine… =)   and then we had a family sleepover in mommy and daddy’s room!  including Merlin!  ha ha!


Oh.. the good news is… before the garage madness.. hubby mowed the lawn and weeded ALL my flower beds… because he is an AMAZING man!  =)  and guess what… My sweet man found his lost wedding ring!

did I tell you the lost wedding ring story?  3-4 weeks ago.. my man lost his ring… and he was Sooooo upset … he spent HOURS looking for it!  HOURS!  he even rented a metal detector to look for it the next day.  nothing.  he was not a happy camper… which is why I probably did not post about it. His bad wife… oh… that would be me… teased him for renting said metal detector.. telling him it would turn up if it was meant to be… but I knew he loved me without the ring… so cold hearted I am about “stuff”  .. anyway…while weeding MY pathetic flower beds for me… he found it… NO where near where he thought he lost it (in the back near the woods) Needless to say He is Sooooooooo Happy… see that relief!!  =)  Huge blessing!  and I am now in therapy to learn to me more sympathetic to his sentimental heart!

Speaking of my Amazing hubby… (sorry can’t help it… he is amazing!) … he is coaching my little girls soccer team this summer… it was not planned and sad when the old coach  & some players left the team… but it has been a wonderful experience for both him and little girl!  God works in mysterious ways!

Can I brag about praise my little girl for a minute?

Our little girl has been playing soccer for 2 years now… she loves it… and though she started off a very timid player… she has blossomed into a talented little soccer player!! We are very proud of her! She has this fantastic ability to keep her eye on the ball and go where the gaps are …she is good at swooping in and playing the ball!  She quickly developed some fancy footwork that always amazes me… and more recently she has turned into a great sweeper for defense..  AND… apparently has become a fantastic forward…This little girl..

Scored 3 ~ yes 3 Goals for her team last night!!  Way to go Abby!!

the only horrible thing is ~I was NOT there to witness it!!!    UGH!!!

I will NEVER miss a game again!


We have this little joke… b/c when ever I am not there… she manages to score a goal… but never 3 in one game!  so I told her before she left last night…” you know there is a great chance you will score tonight since I won’t be there”… we giggled, kissed goodbye… and the little firecracker Scored 3 Goals !!!  *sigh*  =)

It is so much fun watching your offspring grow into amazing little people! =)


are you still here?  would you like me to shut up already and share my recipes?  =)    *ahem*


Mini Turkey Burgers

1 lb ground turkey breast

1 egg white

1/2 orange pepper

1 scallion onion ( small purple tear drop shaped onion) =)

1 or 2 garlic cloves

1/2 cup fresh Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup finely ground ‘bread crumbs’ with herbs

a dash of Lawry’s season salt

oregano and basil!

put the pepper, onion & cheese & herbs into a mini chopper and whirl it around until they are very finely chopped.  mix that with the egg white, the meat and bread crumbs.  mix until all the egg is blended in well.  for into small mini burgers.. place on a greased plate and freeze for a 1/2 hour?  then give it to your man to BBQ and don’t thing about that part b/c you are terrified of said BBQ and you don’t go there~!  =)   but hand your man BBQ sauce and mini mozzarella cheese slices for the tops.  and prep the watermelon, corn a a cob, pasta salad if you are not lazy, and some BBQ chips.  Viola!  yummy BBQ dinner!  I only topped mine with a tomato … hubby used an onion also.. lettuce would have been lovely… of course we had mini hamburger buns (whole grain~!) Yummy!  seriously my kids ate fairly quickly and said it wasn’t their favorite… but … they ate quickly??  =)  just sayin… quick and not liking don’t usually come hand in hand!

Nutella Treats

crescent rolls from Pillsbury dough boy


peanutbutter chips

slivered almonds if you wish..

sugar if you wish

Spread nutella on the rolled out crescent rolls…

add chips

add almonds if you like


sprinkle with sugar if you like

bake as directed

Eat slightly warm… your kids, your neighbors and your friends will be AMAZED at your baking skills and really… for $3. and 3 minutes of your time… You have just become AMAZING!  =)


Now I must go and feed my littles lunch… they are STARVING!  =)

And we Finally have SUN to enjoy here in Washington!  yippie!

22 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    hope your yard sale goes well… lots of great finds there, well maybe with the exception of the monkey lamp… that’s just odd. and Jen has inspired me to try turkey/chicken burgers again… just haven’t found the right time/motivation yet. maybe this weekend?

  • 2 Jen Gacek yazmış:

    so glad i could inspire you to try turkey burgers again! they look delish. and those desserts……oh my!

    hope your garage sale goes well. i see a few items that look very familiar!

  • 3 LeAnna yazmış:

    Those turkey burgers sound awesome, and they look so good, too! Glad to hear ya’ll had a productive weekend. Our garage is much the same, only it’s full of Hubby’s tools. Tools, tools, tools. Oh my. One time I was able to part my car in there.

    one time.

    (Hubby is doing pretty good, thank you for asking. Every day/week seems to be a little better…)

    I have some postcards to send your sweet kiddos project, but I accidentally deleted the email you sent me with the address!!! So, if you can send that to me again, I’ll make sure they’re on their way pronto.

  • 4 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    I love the monkey-man-lamp, too! And, the Nutella recipe sounds awesome!!

  • 5 Jen yazmış:

    Hi! Great job on the garage! We just finished a major garage clean out also.
    Cobbler looks awesome. I never have been able to give up a beef burger to try a Turkey burger, but looks great!

  • 6 Julianne yazmış:

    um YUMO! I love the idea of the resees, they look better in person 🙂 I love that your baby girl is doing well at soccer-it is so hard when you struggle at a sport (being a girl) so GOOD for her! Looks like you had a productive weekend, mine was definitely not. Also do glad hubs found his ring!!!

    Mine lost his the first week he had it (GRrrrrr) in the grocery store, but a nice woman helped him find it after an hour of searching the aisles…it was on the beer aisle. Apparently there was much to decide on and he was twidling his thumbs..err…ring finger 🙂

  • 7 blueviolet yazmış:

    I’ll bet you make a ton of cash for camping! I hate all the work of garage sales, but they do pay off!

    I’m really glad that your hubby found his ring. My ex lost his once and never found it so we had to replace it. 🙁

    I have a bunch of Nutella so I just copied that recipe!

  • 8 Kathleen Smith yazmış:

    It sounds like an incredible weekend filled with all sorts of finds! So glad that your hubby found his wedding ring. I can only imagine how bad he felt.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  • 9 Paige yazmış:

    I left you an award on my blog! Hope you have a great week!


  • 10 Janna yazmış:

    Hey, I wanted to get back to you on the Lemon Pie recipe. I had probs with it setting and so did Nancy from the Goat and the Kid. I haven’t made it in years, so I didn’t remember this problem. TO fix it, maybe cut back on the milk by a quarter to a half cup, or if you prefer it to be less tart, drain a little liquid off the lemonade before adding it to the jello. Hope it turns out well for you. Even if it’s runny, it’s still DELICIOUS!!!

  • 11 Laura yazmış:

    Look at you getting all organized, you could be my new best friend, I LOVE that stuff! 🙂 All your food looks SO yummy, I think I know what we’re having this weekend. 🙂

  • 12 Genn yazmış:

    Hi Jenn!

    Oh I looove turkey burgers! In fact, now I think I need to make them this week. You are always cookin something good. 🙂 I make mine very similar. I usually throw in an egg, 1 green bell pepper, a handful of chopped mushrooms, worshcestire (a splash or two), and salt and pepper, and whatever other seasonings I feel like.

    How cool that your hubs found his wedding ring!! That was lucky. I have a friend whose husband lost his at work and he also rented a metal detector to try and find it!

  • 13 Laurel H. yazmış:

    We eat nothing but turkey burgers around here. In fact, we don’t really eat pork or beef anymore, and the children have not missed it one bit. Neither have hubby and I. (Our arteries are happy, too.)


    P.S. I wanted to reply to your comment on my blog, but I couldnt 🙁 you don’t have that feature selected

  • 14 naomig yazmış:

    🙂 We LOVE nutella here. Crazy crazy crazy about it. Yay for your little soccer girl! So much fun to watch them be amazing, isn’t it?! I need to organize my house so badly. Wanna come help me do mine next?! I am horrible at it. Horrible!

  • 15 Julie yazmış:

    O.K…girl..your posts really pack a punch!! Holy cow..you were busy this weekend. And can I say…I want to be at your garage sale. I want those early readers pretty please!!

    Thomas the Train has “grandkids” written all over it!! Don’t ya think. Some of my kids favorite toys are the ones my mom kept. They love going over to her house and playing with her vintage toys!!

    So glad hubs found his ring.

    And…I’m gonna try those burgers. They look so good and I haven’t had much success with turkey..(my hand just accidentally typed TURDY) in the past.

  • 16 Lindsay yazmış:

    Hi Jenn
    Good luck with the garage sale. My garage needs a good sort out too. Your turkey burgers and nutella treats look delicious. Your daughter is doing great with soccer. Loved seeing the pictures of her playing. Glad your husband found the ring. That was so lucky.

  • 17 Claudia yazmış:

    Getting hungry when I see the burger…a shame I can’t download one….
    Enjoy your day!

  • 18 Sooz yazmış:

    I’m so glad Wayne found his ring!!!

  • 19 kim yazmış:

    Hope the sale goes well for you! Yeah, for finding lost rings! And, I like your monkey lamp too. 🙂

  • 20 Nancy yazmış:

    Those burgers look delish… are those Hawaiian Sweet Roll buns? Those are my new favorite craze. A weekend of cleaning out the garage. Let me just say, “dreamy!” That is my kind of weekend. Forget the parties, bring on the organization. Good luck on the sale. I hope the Hooked on Phonics gets some sweet cash!

  • 21 jeanne yazmış:

    That is amazing that he found his ring!!!

  • 22 Lori yazmış:

    Isn’t WA a lovely place to live this week? 😉 Good luck with your garage sale! Looks like you’ve put a ton of work into it.