Do you ever get an itch?
THAT itch
The one where you just HAVE to do what ever IT is
in order to satisfy THAT itch?
My itch almost Always involves PAINT
*sigh* =)
I love color
Every room in my house has one coat of color
yes I said one
I am the girl who never gets around to the second coat
I am the girl who never gets around to the trim
Things are always half done in my house *ugh**
I drive myself up the WALL!
back to my itch
they usually appear when I feel overwhelmed
there you have it
I am overwhelmed right now
crazy that pulling out projects and PAINT helps, eh?!
September is my “busy Month”
Birthday, back to school, HOURS of enlarging materials, sorting materials, etc. etc. the dog, soccer, music lessons, homework, the girl scout stuff… the Winterizing of the yard, Halloween costumes are being discussed… it all happens in Sept!
complain, complain, whine, wine ….hm… wine?
the itch comes
the paint comes out
my stress magically disappears!
So …
for the rest of my week
I am switching gears
Satisfying the itch
Purging my stress
Refreshing myself!
I wonder if it has anything to do with the loud praise and worship music I play when I paint? =)
Want a sneak peek of my plans?
4 days
I have four days…
an OLD crib board and some PAINT
the treasure box and some PAINT
a couple hooks and some PAINT
more hooks and some PAINT
my mom’s old sewing stool and some PAINT (and fabric)
a cheap chalkboard, scrabble letters and some PAINT!
Can you figure out what that will say?
I will give you a hint
it is 2 words
I think I NEED to go back to the dollar store and buy more
Oh the fun I could have with them!! =)
What kind of itch do you get?
is it the same itch every time?
if you will excuse me
I have an itch to scratch!! =)
ta ta!
September 30th, 2010 saat: 9:53 am
I get too many itches! I’m pretty creative, so I often get ideas, get supplies – and then its months before I get to that project! GUILTY as charged!!! Itchy WOmAn!
September 30th, 2010 saat: 10:09 am
Hi Jenn,
Too funny that you live near my cousin Katie. I wondered that when I saw your comments about the weather in WA. 🙂 Blogland really does seem to be so much smaller now.
Love your new things. Can’t wait to see what you do with them.
I love when I get a creative itch.
September 30th, 2010 saat: 10:41 am
I often want to paint the rooms in my house, but won’t without the consent of my husband since even with a ladder I’d have trouble with the top… so I give in and decorate for the holidays. Today I started making fall seat covers for the kitchen table. I just wish projects weren’t so hard with my boys trying to “help” or telling me to stop and do something else
September 30th, 2010 saat: 11:51 am
Sounds so fun. I’m terrible at painting walls, but I have an uphulstering project and a furniture painting project I need to do right now… 🙂 I’m procrastinating because I have so many other things to do right now. I swear I should clone myself.
September 30th, 2010 saat: 2:03 pm
Sorry, I’m terrible at Scrabble!
I don’t have an “itch” for anything these days. It’s just too busy with the boys! Maybe when they get a little older I’ll be able to tap into my creative side.
September 30th, 2010 saat: 5:38 pm
Fun! I can’t wait to see what you do. No, the baking magazine is something like “Mixing Baking Recipes” or something with a chocolate cheesecake on the front. It’s at publix!!!
September 30th, 2010 saat: 6:10 pm
I got an itch last week and now my craft room is almost complete…pics coming soon on my blog! I can’t wait to see what you do!!
September 30th, 2010 saat: 6:44 pm
we have things that need to get hung. and a few drywall holes that need patching.
you did so well with your project! what a fun itch!
September 30th, 2010 saat: 8:27 pm
I’ve got an itch to paint a couple of rooms in my house and to get a little more daring with my colors. Hey, I loved your comment that you’re thinking of doing a mini-triathlon. YAY!!! Go for it!! We’re looking forward to our next one in Feb. which is lower key than the last in that it’s only a 200 meter pool swim versus half mile open water in the FREEZING ocean. You won’t believe the bonding you’ll do with your girlfriends once you train together. Nancy and I were good friends before we started, but doing this together created a bond that I haven’t had with many other girlfriends. Good luck, and if you need any training info, I have some good web links that my chiro gave me. I can also email you the training schedule excel that I made for myself. You can use it as a template to track your own progress. It’s really rewarding to track it and see how your endurance and workouts progress as you train.
September 30th, 2010 saat: 8:35 pm
My itch definitely involves crafting and sewing. And I’m like you..when I get my mind on something..I must do it. I cannot rest until I gather the materials and craft away. Funny..though.I can do a project and them I’m done! Ready to take a long break from crafting!!
Can’t wait to see the finished products of your “itchiness”!!
October 1st, 2010 saat: 5:49 am
Jenn! You crack me up that you get these creative itches, because I too suffer from this! hahaha I hope you get the project completed because I would love love loooove to see the results! Best of luck getting your scratch on!
October 1st, 2010 saat: 6:12 am
I’m a loser when it comes to painting. l-o-s-e-r. my itch…hmmmm…sleep? hahahaha when i’m overwhelmed i like to go to movies, to escape, to run away, to not do what i’m supposed to do. it’s never anything productive, like you. usually go do something with girlfriends. (maybe that’s why i socialize so much?) yep. movies. used to be going out to dinner, but i have no appetite as of late…because of meds. of course, i’m probably not losing an ounce of weight. drat. maybe i’ll go see a movie…
October 1st, 2010 saat: 7:51 am
I get the itch to pay someone to do the scratching! 😉
October 1st, 2010 saat: 9:26 am
Oh how I wish I had the painting itch! My mom has it but I think it skipped a generation!
The only itch I’ve had lately is to read! I need to get a more crafty itch going.
After writing all this I feel the need for some Benadryl!
Have a great weekend!
October 1st, 2010 saat: 10:59 am
Sounds like a fun and exciting way to scratch! :o)
October 1st, 2010 saat: 7:13 pm
Oh my gosh, I have so many interests…the hammered dulcimer, needlepoint (making custom pillows of people’s pets), cooking, baking, plants, writing, this last week I made a concrete bird bath – whatever takes my fancy…
October 2nd, 2010 saat: 10:20 am
I heard about your mini tri you are thinking of doing. You go, girl You can totally do it. You will feel so empowered. DO it! (no peer pressure)
I have had an itch to get my Fall on. I love to bake/nest during this time of the year. Too bad it is about 100 degrees here. Yuck.
October 5th, 2010 saat: 6:57 am
Can’t wait to see how your crafts turn out!