Goin with the flow
Some days you just wake up and realize
you just hafta STOP
and go with the flow =)
you have to change gears
cancel appointments
set down the dirty dishes
put away the broom
and the mop (ha ha ha)
suit up
put your smile on
my kids usually DON’T do well
when “LIFE” gets in the way
and they have to switch gears
They don’t do well when they need to
“go with the flow”
Today was a different story!
I mean really who wouldn’t mind giving up school work
grocery shopping and the flu shot
for this!!
This thing is moving really fast !!
Wipe out!!
I’m sorry…
I was distracted!! =)
didn’t mean to miss that wipe out!!
You ok sweetie??
go sled some more down the big hill…
Oh no…
another wipe out…
this time the visually challenged one
hit the neighbors dog!! oops!!
nothing too serious!
I should be paying more attention!
and well I looked up from my camera
(this time shooting kids)
ok that sounded wrong…
and I realized
I need to make sure we were… um…
not throwing snow balls at other children
head sized snow balls
could take an eye out!
especially when the kid throwing them has a vision problem!!
Oh Sammy! I love you honey! =)
Luckily he was throwing them down the hill…
but still…
if a kid ran in front of him from the side…
I don’t even want to think about it!! ha ha!
I paid a little more attention after that…
next time I guess I should leave my camera at home
but I wanted to play too!!! =)
Its all good…
no injuries..
no serious wipeouts!
the dog walked away!
Mostly smiles!
Over all it was a
Blissful morning!
or um…
Blissful 1/2 hour?
After what seemed like no time at all
I looked at this face…
and his frozen toes…
his toes were spread apart from all the frozen
ice balls that formed inbetween them!!
I realized it was time to go home!!
Even though he was having fun too!!
Switch Gears guys…
the poor pooch is looking a little chilled!!
Hot chocolate anyone?!!
Gets em every time!! =)
What is your weather like today?!
I am hoping I will be around later to wish y’all a Happy Thanksgiving!!
in between snow fun, wet clothes, house cleaning and Harry Potter movies!!
Hubby and I are gettin old… it is hard to stay up after the kids go to bed and watch an entire movie without falling asleep on the couch!! We may not get through all the Harry movies before date night this Friday! =) *sigh*
Can I just take another minute and say … I am Sorry to those of you who might have wanted to see how I cook my turkey bird!! A month ago!! I didn’t ever post the rest of the recipes for my turkey dinner… from Canadian Thanksgiving in October!! I know I said I would… forgive me??!
I have had a wild and wooly month of going with the flow!~
doctors, dentists, chiropractors, dogs, kids, school, weather! =)
and I was distracted by a few photography blog challenges…
Photo fun!! It is in my blood! =)
Does anyone want me to try to post my Turkey dinner before Thanksgiving?!
uh… tomorrow? =)
Enjoy your day ~
I really need to go clean!!
Seriously…NEED to clean! Desperately!!
The end.
November 23rd, 2010 saat: 1:49 pm
Looks like so much fun. I am jealous. We hardly have snow here in Georgia. Today it is raining here.
November 23rd, 2010 saat: 4:16 pm
looks like a fun day. we were outside playing soccer in our shorts today (o:
November 23rd, 2010 saat: 4:42 pm
Hey….you got some snow! NICE! So Canadian! And yes, those are some rather large snowballs. Watch out! And you gotta follow up a snow day with hot chocolate 🙂 Enjoy your American Thanksgiving!
November 24th, 2010 saat: 5:11 am
Ha…wish we had just a little of that for (maybe) 2 hours. 🙂 So glad they are enjoying it!
November 24th, 2010 saat: 6:56 am
That looks like “snow much” fun. hahahah
November 24th, 2010 saat: 11:55 am
OMgosh so not ready for the snow. Looks like you are enjoying it though. What was that lone leaf doing? LOL Cute pictures of the fun. Love the giant snowball.
November 24th, 2010 saat: 2:51 pm
This was so much fun. I love the pic of the lone leaf after what is obviously a wipe-out!
And wow, you is one classy lady, serving hot chocolate in a glass pitcher!
November 24th, 2010 saat: 6:44 pm
Whenever I make myself leave the mess at home and go have some fun, I am always glad I did! What fun all that snow and sledding looks like. Hope you have a great holiday with your cute family jenn!
November 25th, 2010 saat: 10:31 pm
Happy Thanksgiving…loved the snow day so that we could slow down a bit. Scott got the flu today so we sent the kids off to nana’s. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow so my parents can come up for dinner…time will tell.
November 26th, 2010 saat: 6:13 pm
Trust me! When they are grown and gone – like mine are, you will be so very glad you put the broom away!
Have a pretty day!
November 29th, 2010 saat: 9:58 pm
Looks like a great day… so jealous you have snow! I’m from Australia and where I live looks exactly the same all year round — no snow, no fall 🙁
November 30th, 2010 saat: 8:47 pm
Looks like a great day! We had a few flurries but nothing stuck long enough. We are so looking forward to getting the sleds out! Your hot chocolate would look very nice in my Santa don’t you think, lol! Thanks for stopping over and saying hi!