A wintery Scavenger Hunt Sunday
1. Winter
this one I am kinda cheating…
my son took this pic on my birthday (Dec3)
you see my sister Linda has NEVER been pictured on my blog yet!!
really? how can that be??
for exactly 40 days…
in Winter…
Linda and I are both 40!!!
yep. same age for only 40 days every year!!
my poor mama had one baby in Jan of 1970 (her)
and another baby in Dec of 1970 (me) !!
2 babies in 11 months… YIKES!
Since we have NO snow right now…
and SNOW is Winter … right?
I was forced to dig in recent archives!
I found this picture of me wearing my favorite winter scarf…
it was just too cool not to take the opportunity to post this fun fact about me
the first day of my sister and I both being 40… for 40 days!! =)
alright… I am done.
2. Wind
I could not manage to get both flags flying out at the same time!! =)
not a great picture either!
3. Remember When
the Avon lady used to come visit your mommy
in the 70’s
and she would bring little tiny green lip stick samples?
they were SO cool!!
oh… you don’t remember this?
and she brought your mommy perfume in cute little bottles…
and they ALL had that same round ball on the top?
back in the 70’s …
don’t you remember that?
what? you weren’t even alive in the 70’s?
4. Black and White with selective coloring
my mommy left this ornament to one of my babies
just weeks before she died
she made a list
giving each of us girls a few of her treasures
she didn’t have much
but I love these little things that remind us of her
I miss her like crazy at Christmas time…
5. Framed
my baby girl 10 years ago…
with all that dark thick hair!!
I love that my babies had thick hair!
y’all know I can’t pick one framed picture
of only one of my babies!
this little peanut was very jaundiced
and had poor circulation
he really isn’t that white…
a picture of a picture is always worse…
it was sunny June and …
he looks like we had him out in the snow in December
in that onesie!!
I have to leave you with this framed picture…
we lived in a little rich community back then
it was a blink of an eye … kinda small village
we rented the basement of a nearly 1,000,000 dollar home…
it is how they roll in BC, Canada…
renting the basement floors…
smart really.
the community had Santa come to the village hall on a fire truck
We went… but
we didn’t really know if we wanted to “do the Santa thing” or not
so when Abby asked who the big fat man in red was
we said…oh Santa… he gives kids candy canes at Christmas…
and that was that…
until the next year…
when Aunt Kelly gave her the Polar Express Story book…
and the church bells down the road rang out
while I was reading her the last page
the page where he heard the bells but his parents didn’t
MAGICAL moment!!
My little girl went running to bed yelling
“hes weal… hes weally weally weal”
(he’s real, he’s really really real”)
and she hopped into bed so he would come!
Santa became a part of our story that night…
though that was the ONLY year she went anywhere Near him!! ha ha!
Speaking of Christmas time:::
6 more days folks!!
Still so much blissful fun to have!!
We are mostly excited everyone in our wee family are healthy
well..enough to go to finally go to church for the first time in Dec!!…
ONCE in December before the Christmas service is better than none!! (sheesh!)
I Hope your 6 more days are Merry and Bright!!
Go build a memory with someone you love!

December 19th, 2010 saat: 12:57 pm
Wow….2 kids in 11 months! *bowing to your mom*
My mother-in-law had my hubby and his younger brother 11 months apart too! you and your sister look so much alike….great photo of the 2 of you!
I also love the photos of your babes! Adorable!
December 19th, 2010 saat: 12:58 pm
These are great – it’s hard to believe that we used to buy our makeup and such through a lady that went door to door. Ah…not so different from the mailman delivering it to my door though I guess. Ha ha. Have a wonderful Christmas!
December 19th, 2010 saat: 1:51 pm
Great shots! I love that you share a birthday number with your sister for 40 days. That has to be cool. Yes, your poor mom when you were little.
December 19th, 2010 saat: 8:13 pm
Yeah……Linda! Nice picture. KK
December 19th, 2010 saat: 11:45 pm
That’s a lovely photo of you and your sister. You’ve shared some lovely sentimental photos with us.
December 20th, 2010 saat: 12:01 am
I love your BW with selective color. 🙂
Great baby shots, too. Babies are always irresistible!
December 20th, 2010 saat: 12:19 am
Great photos. I loved reading your story. I really love your wind photo.
December 20th, 2010 saat: 5:59 am
Hi Jenn,
This is a great post! I enjoyed reading it! Mom’s niece had THREE babies one year!!! Twins and a single in one year! Double Yikes!! Love the B & W/ selective color and your framed pictures! Nothing like family!!
Merry Christmas!
December 20th, 2010 saat: 6:03 am
I love this post and the story of your sister and you. Love the Santa story too. so cute and innocent. Adorable.
December 20th, 2010 saat: 6:09 am
Great job with your selective coloring.
December 20th, 2010 saat: 9:43 am
You have no snow???? We are on our 3rd snowstorm today! Our last one dumped 20″! Today we’re supposed to get 5-8″, which is still pretty substantial! Thursday-Friday is a 3-8 incher…this is supposed to be a record breaking December for snow.
It is kinda cool. December is supposed to be a snow month.
It won’t be cool in March. It’s never cool in March.
December 20th, 2010 saat: 2:46 pm
These are great…and I’m so glad that Linda is finally famous!
P.S. LOVE remember when!
December 20th, 2010 saat: 6:59 pm
Great picture of you and your sis and your sweet little baby daughter…adorable!! Also, what was your Mom thinking!? 🙂
December 20th, 2010 saat: 7:10 pm
I love all of the pictures! WOW you and your sister are close in age. You look a lot alike, too! I remember all of that Avon stuff, except my mom’s lipstick sample tubes were white. I LOVED them so much!!!
December 20th, 2010 saat: 8:48 pm
Love your selective coloring photo best…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!
December 20th, 2010 saat: 10:00 pm
Aw! Sisters are the best… thats really fun that you’re so close in age, although I bet it wasn’t too fun at the time for your momma. 🙂
December 21st, 2010 saat: 12:42 pm
Gosh I remember so many of those things in my own home growing up!!! Merry Christmas 🙂