December Sunday Scavenger Hunt

1.  Family

we have some new family members

that joined our family Christmas morning

the kids were SOOOOOOOOOOO excited

to receive a Basset Hound Webkinz!!

Abby LOVES Charlie

the Pioneer Woman’s Basset Hound

My little girl and her best friend quote the dialog from this blog post

about Charlie eating sausage

it is SOOOOOOOOOOO funny!

She has already named her Webkinz Basset “Charlie”  =)

do you all know what Webkinz are?

if you have children ages 4-10

It is a Fabulous online world

where you buy a stuffed animal

then adopt the stuffy virutally

and play games and take care of it


they build it a house and feed it and play with it

and you get to keep the stuffy too! =)

2.  Motion Blur

Sammy could not stop moving

waiting to  open presents




anticipating the magic of opening the Wii…

(they did in fact get the Wii… as they had hoped!)  =)

our world has changed forever!

3.  Pretty Package

I did not intentionally take a package picture!

this is a crop of a full tree shot that I happened to take!

thus the blur …  cropping that much added some…”texture” … =)

4.  Glow

I love the glow of the tree at night

when the kids are in bed

the house is quiet

all the lights are off

except the tree

the kids are in bed

the house smells like wet dog Pine

the kids are in bed



5.  Sparkle

sparkly Christmas art

drawn by Sammy on paper

his pattern hot glued by Mommy onto fabric

fabric watered and painted by Sammy

it turned out Wonderful!!

I LOVE it!!

I should do a whole post on this art….

the kids love it

I love it!

Grandparents will love it!!  =)

It was well worth the effort!


Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Full of Love, Family, Good Food and time to relax, enjoy each other and play!



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