Dog-gy Christmas Fun

It has been a while since I have featured Merlin

don’t think for a minute

it is because he has been behavin!!

because he ain’t!!



Merlin got to open his presents FIRST on Christmas morning!

we figured it would give him something to do

while we opened ours

a little more peacefully!!  =)

Look at those Giant Paws!!

They are ALL FUR!

they look HUGE!


I am not the kinda gal who would normally buy presents for a dog

for Birthdays or Christmas

I would just randomly pick up a toy for them

when ever they need something to chew!!


the kids really wanted him to have presents

to open Christmas morning!

so Merlin was given

a couple presents

complete with wrapping paper!

no ribbon or tape!!


smells like chicken!

even our neighbors bought Merlin a present


never mind that that duck was toast in 10 minutes!!

hope they didn’t spend “too” much on it!

Seriously!! Look at the fur on his feet!!

tomorrow Merlin  “gets”  to visit the groomer!

his feet look crazy huge when the fur grows on them!!

Never mind we are supposed to get SNOW this week… (yay!!)

we don’t want snow balling up in those furry feet!!

hope he doesn’t get too cold with shorter fur!!

So anyway…

most of these pics are far from fabulous!!

I have had little time to play with my new little cannon snap and shoot

indoor lighting is not the camera’s strong point! *ugh*

anyway… Merlin  LOVES  this huge bone….

but he doesn’t chew it…

he sleeps with it

he sniffs it

he licks it

he protects it from the cat

he plays with it

he loves it

but he doesn’t chew it!!

He got that as an early Christmas present!!

I needed him to behave one day last week…

so I broke out a pressie!!

This world has few toys that are Merlin proof!

Merlin can  destroy most toys in a matter of minutes!!

Hartz has CHEAP… Wonderful toys that are Merlin proof!!

Hours of entertainment for him

and us!!

God Bless Hartz!!  =)

there is a ball in those hairy feet!!!  =)

Merlin is such a CRACK UP with these Hartz squeeky balls!!

he has that same over excitement

the one that kids get around this time of year!!

huh?  who me???

I am So glad I bought him 2 of them…

a blue one and a green one

I think he likes the green one best?!!

Merlin is in the land of doggy bliss!!

he plays with them by himself

dropping them

kicking them

squeaking them

batting them around

it is hysterical!

he rolls around with them in his mouth!

I am not sure who is having more fun


or me!!

He LOVES his new chicken flavored bone too!


I wonder if this new “chicken”  bone

is laced with more than just chicken flavoring??

if you know what I mean?!!

Don’t ya think he looks a little um…. high??  =)

Maybe I am wrong.

I don’t know.

but he sure has been extra “Happy” the last couple days!

I think Merlin had a Great Christmas!!

I am not sure who is happier…


or me?

A happy dog = a happy owner

or maybe that should read

A happy “occupied” dog = a happy dog owner!


maybe these guys are happier???

I love you kids…



are you happy?


anybody want some chocolate?



my world has forever changed!   =)

they are actually really good about techy time

I love that my kids are so easy going that way!

even with the New Exciting Wii!!

My heart is happy…

seeing ALL  my “kids” blissfully happy

even if it is with their new toys!

ha ha!


I am hoping to relax a little this week!

I think I might just get my wish!!

I Hope you are enjoying these days after Christmas as well!!

Can you believe that it is almost 2011??!!




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