Cashew Chicken Stir Fry

It is not as fancy as it sounds


My kids love cashews so it is a great way to get them excited about dinner!

rare in these parts!

I have been eating mostly gluten free for 2 1/2 weeks now

and for the record this meal is NOT gluten free

(but it only has a little tiny bit in the soy sauce and oyster sauce!!)  =)

Pull out the oyster sauce, low sodium soy, any oil ~ I tried coconut & olive oil , herbs ~ I used basil and oregano, garlic ~ I have had 3 moldy garlic cloves lately (ew) … so I am using jarred for a while now … =)

Next Chop up some veggies

This Very Important to my littles…

Baby Corn ~ Cashew Chicken MUST have baby corn!

I usually use celery too ~ my kids love it stir fried!  I was out.

and I usually  soak my cashews in Hot water while I prep dinner

I forgot ~ no big deal!

cube your chicken, put oil in your pan, stir fry it on med

toss it around for about 3-5 minutes until it goes light brown

sprinkle with herbs and cook a few more minutes

I used a bit too much oil … but it worked out well for the sauce!!

some of that is excess chicken juices too!

anyway at this stage turn your pan down to med/low (cast iron is hotter I think?) =)

add a heaping tablespoon of garlic, 2-3 table spoons of oyster sauce and a teaspoon of soy

and stir it up!!

Oh and a night or two before you make this meal…

make something with rice on the side and make a double batch!!

so you have one whole batch of leftover rice!!

I blend white & brown rice ~ my kids eat brown rice that way!!

(I soak the brown rice for a 1/2 hour before I blend them to cook!

At this point transfer Chicken to a smaller pan (or just another pan)

on low heat while you stir fry leftover rice  in your saucy pan!!

but add more oil first!!  =)

I am not good at this part… I think I need a wok…

anyway… it worked well enough… the rice sticks to the pan…. grrr…

just keep stirring!!   and scrapping in my case!

I also needed a bigger pan… I made a mess!!  =)

I can hardly lift that cast iron pan… with my carpel tunnel issues…

so messy I will remain with my current 10 inch pan!!  =)

OK speaking of pans … pull out another one…

and stir fry your veggies now!  =)  I promise you will only use 2-3 pans…

the reserved chicken could sit in a bowl!!  =)

I added a bit of oil and toss the veggies and cashews around for about 5 minutes.

Half way through I used a splash of boiling water (from the tea kettle)

to steam them up a bit .. you feel like a real chef when the steam rises off the pan!!  =)

then I added the chicken and stir fried another 3-5 minutes.

I don’t use a lot of sauce b/c it is better for my heart and well…

I don’t like a lot of sauce anymore… I out grew that phase of my life I guess??!

My littles don’t use a lot of sauce on anything…

seriously … they like a thin layer of peanut butter, a thin layer of jam, a tiny bit of pasta sauce, a drizzle of maple syrup on their pancakes… etc. etc…  frankly… I am OK with that!!  =)


Thats All Folks!!

dish up some rice on your 1970’s dishes that you grew up with as a child

add some yummy goodness on top the rice

and Serve it to your peeps!!


A quick list of Cashew Chicken recipe items:

2-3 Chicken breasts cubed

2-3 carrots chopped

1 cup broccoli and celery chopped (I didn’t have the celery this time)

I can baby corn drained and chopped

(1/2 onion if it doesn’t make your kids flea from the table!~)  =)

(I didn’t use one this time)

2-6 tablespoons of Oyster Sauce depending on your taste

Olive oil… and/or  Coconut Oil… the blend was great for me!!

1-2 teaspoons of low sodium soy

1-2 heaping table spoons of chopped garlic from a jar (or a few cloves)

Herbs of choice ~ basil and oregano are my regulars!  =)

and cooked rice ~ enough to feed your family for a  meal

I think that is all!   =)

um… or not…

2/3 a cup O Cashews!!  or 1 whole cup?!!  fine… I just use handfulls!!

(sometimes I make Cashew Curry Chicken too… that is a mommy and daddy fav!!)

Let me know if you try this one ~ it is a favorite in our house!!

Happy Cooking!


The Cowboys wife  ~

(wait til you hear that story!! my man is full of surprises!!)

Many moons ago I wanted to marry a cowboy…

b/c I love horses and the hats & The BOOTS!

Thanks Mr. McFunny ~ for making me a cowboys wife for 1 minute last Sunday!  =)

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