Salmon Marinated in Maple and Soy
A few of my weekend visitors commented on my Salmon Dinner…
and I love to share a good thing… so I thought I would give you the recipe!
It is simple and delicious!! and the leftovers are amazing the day after!!
I am going to try something new… give you the recipe first
and then the step by step pictures!
I love offering pictures b/c I LOVE learning with pictures…
which is one of many reasons why I love Ree’s recipes!! =)
Salmon Marinated in Maple and Soy
2-3 Tablespoons of Low Sodium Soy (or Gluten Free Soy Sauce)
1/4 cup real, pure Maple Syrup
1 heaping Tablespoon of Garlic
Herbs of your choice: Oregano, Basil (fresh is the best by dry works!), Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme… sing it with me now… =)
My favorite is fresh oregano and fresh basil… I only had dry herbs this week!
Wild Caught Salmon …oh yum!!!
Combine the Maple and Soy sauce in a jar & shake
Marinate the salmon in that for a few hours in the fridge
(or not… if you are in a hurry and forgot that step earlier in the day…oops!)
Make a foil boat for your salmon and place on a baking sheet/pan
I used a ratty old toaster oven pan for my Salmon for 2 meal!
place the Salmon in the foil boat and pour the rest of the sauce on it
add a heaping tablespoon of chopped Garlic
rub the garlic all over the salmon with a fork
(I have had one too many bad garlic gloves this month… so I caved and bought a jar … moldy garlic cloves will do that to a girl =) … but honestly I usually use fresh garlic too… but this post will show that even the jarred, dried and forgetting to marinate ahead of time … still turns out lovely!!)
Sprinkle the whole thing with herbs.
Close up your foil boat.
Bake at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes.
Salmon will flake with a fork when done.
if you like the edges of the salmon to be a little well done…
Open the foil boat at the end and broil for a couple minutes!
Watch it the entire time…. You don’t want to over cook it… =)
Serve with veggies and rice.
or with Salad .. oh yum!
or with Thai stir fried noodles and sauted asparagus! Double yum!!
That was painful to do without pictures… in case you were wondering!!
ready for the pictures??!! =)
for a small salmon I used 2-3 tablespoons of soy sauce
and 1/4 cup of Maple syrup
but for a larger salmon double this!! =)
to 1/4 cup soy sauce and 1/2 cup Maple Syrup!
I like to pour them in an old smuckers jam jar and shake it up!!
then at this point the best thing to do is marinate the salmon
I didn’t do this ahead of time…
and I put the garlic and herbs on my salmon before I poured the sauce on!!
*I must be tired from everyone passing a bad cold around all month?!** =)
Make the foil boat for the Salmon
see how the foil is tall enough on all sides to wrap up the salmon later?!
ok …put that heaping tablespoon of garlic on the salmon
and spread it around with a fork
and pull out your favorite herbs
this is what I had… *sigh* I love fresh… anyway…
still yummy with dried!!
and notice I have yet to realize I forgot to but the sauce on…
so you see f0lks… it will turn out yummy in any order!
garlic, herbs, sauce
sauce, garlic, herbs,
herbs, garlic sauce..
There … garlic, herbs, sauce … in the foil boat…
ready to close up and bake
please ignore my old toaster oven pan from before marriage!
15 plus years old!! =)
anyway… you just need a thin pan under the foil boat in case it leaks!
Hubby throws it on the BBQ in the boat … as is…
for half the cookin time I think?? you’d have to ask him!! =)
after 15-20 minutes open that baby up
it was not quite done yet…
but that is ok… it was nearly done…
I put it under the broiler at this point opened up
to caramelize it a bit… (did I spell that right?)
b/c it wasn’t quite done… I think I left it in for 4-5 minutes…
I like it a little browner than that… but it worked…
while the salmon was baking I stir fried Thai Rice noodles
after they soaked for 15 minutes (as the box directed)
I used more soy and maple for the sauce
and sauteed asparagus for about 3-4 minutes.
Yummy dinner!
The best part about this salmon is the leftovers the next day…
break the leftover salmon into little bits
and add a tablespoon of mayo and a little extra sauce if you like
mix it up and refrigerate it over night
The next day for lunch toast some bread, a bagel, english muffin…
what ever carb your heart desires
I used to use the above choices…
I reluctantly used Gluten Free Bread …
anyway… toast it.. and then spread the cold salmon on it…
I have a fresh piece of foil on my ratty old pan again…
once you spread the salmon
add some fresh paremsan
and broil it for a minute or two (Watch it closely!!)
Oh yum…
I am not sure if I like day one… Salmon dinner….
or day 2 …left over broiled Salmon sandwiches best??!
either way… You can not go wrong with the Maple Soy Marinade…
it is amazingly delicious!! =)
Also wonderful on Beef and Chicken!! =)
and when my low sodium soy sauce runs out…
I will buy Gluten Free Soy sauce (I hear I can find that)
and I won’t be cheating… a little!! =)
That’s all folks!
My little boy has a fever today… only 101.4.. not too high…
he just woke from a nap… time to snuggle and read !! =)
and here I go again… NO PROOF READING… just going to publish!!
Hope you enjoy this recipe one day!
Let me know if you do!
February 22nd, 2011 saat: 1:25 pm
We aren’t Salmon people, but we do like most fish, so I think the marinade would be wonderful on some others…maybe snapper or sword?
LOVE the presentation of that plate, my friend!
February 22nd, 2011 saat: 4:53 pm
Oh, yum. I LOVE this recipe–I do one similar to it, but I haven’t for a while. Next time I hit the grocery store we’re doing this. 🙂
February 22nd, 2011 saat: 5:57 pm
I don’t usually cook salmon at home, but I’m definitely going to try this recipe! Thanks
February 23rd, 2011 saat: 9:08 am
I have never made any kind of fish. I keep thinking I should try it because so many of my “tastes” have changed, but I just haven’t brought myself to do that yet. ugh. I’m afraid the house will smell fishy for days. Maybe on the grill outside?? 🙂
February 23rd, 2011 saat: 1:51 pm
This looks so tasty! I wish I liked to cook, but I just don’t! To answer your question, the challenge I did today just happened to be the letter L. It’s not normally the alphabet. Next week the theme is technology. A different letter each week would be fun, though.
February 23rd, 2011 saat: 2:56 pm
That looks delish…I’ll have to try it since salmon is the only fish I like!
February 23rd, 2011 saat: 6:10 pm
That looks pretty darn easy to make!
February 23rd, 2011 saat: 7:52 pm
I’m not much of a salmon person but occasionally I run across one that is really good. This one definitely looks good too! I can’t handle fish right now with being pregnant, but after I might have to try this, thanks for sharing!
February 24th, 2011 saat: 1:11 am
Love salmon…and that looks so yummie! Great idea for the leftovers…
February 24th, 2011 saat: 2:13 am
I don’t know what looks better, dinner or leftovers. Yum. I’m definitely putting this on my “to try” list.
February 24th, 2011 saat: 6:45 am
I LOVE salmon and this looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. 🙂
February 24th, 2011 saat: 10:51 am
that. looks. so. yummy!
February 25th, 2011 saat: 4:44 pm
YUM looks delicious!! I joined your blog – thanks for stopping by mine 🙂