3-13 Sunday Post

Sunday        65/365          Calm

baking is a very calming activity for me

I send the kids upstairs

I play music while I bake

it really is calming for me… I love to bake!!!  =)

Monday       66/365        Square crop

this is the same flower I pictured last week… =)

it was closed a bit more and wet…

anyway… I use the square crop feature A LOT…

I like squares and circles…

I am weird like that!

Tuesday        67/365         Welcome to the jungle


never EVER a dull moment in the house

this is a weekly event…

somebody always leaves the bathroom door open at least once a week

and this is what happens EVERY time!!

2 years people… 2 years!!  **sigh**

don’t worry… I DO laugh… every single time!!  =)

he can’t wait to get to the end of the roll

b/c the roll is one of his favorite things in this world!!  =)


Wednesday      68/365      speaking of Merlin

he really wanted to play cars with Sammy on Wednesday… =)

it was painful for him but he was good

he just watched as Sammy shot cars across the kitchen floor!!   =)

Thursday      69/365      Vanishing point?  =)

I painted my toenails a very bright pink

trying to put a little “spring” in my step!  =)

ok … not so much a vanishing point??

maybe this will do?

do you see the mole hills continuing on down the little hill there??

no… still not a vanishing point?  dang!  really?   I give up!  I spaced this one!

anyway… I counted mole hills the other day…

the stupid evil moles have dug up more than 100 mounds in our little yard

all this WINTER?!!!

stupid moles!!    grrrr…..

Friday        70/365

my baking counter

I love my jars…

they are all over my kitchen/house

these are my flour & sugar jars

Kerri this is a sneak peek for you!!  =)

I have not actually baked with that flour since late Jan….

since I went gluten free

I think it is time to put my gluten free flours in those jars!!   =)

Saturday      71/365      Under

My little girl and I were out and about today

and we happened upon a beautiful rainbow

rising up over this little white church that I love!!

I was sitting at a stop light

so I quickly grabbed my camera and took a couple shots

through my windshield…

the rainbow didn’t show up very well…

I was so disappointed!!

anyway… what a beautiful sight to see my little white church

sitting UNDER a rainbow!!  =)

This little white church was in one of my posts recently…

with a sunrise behind it… **sigh**  peaceful!!

I love little white churches!!  =)

Hope you have a lovely day!



As always… the photo link hosts are:

NapTime MomTog Project 365


Next weeks Scavenger Hunt items are :

Camera, Camera Phone, Shoes, Chair and Imperfection

29 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Stefanie Brown yazmış:

    I really liked the “Welcome to the Jungle” shot! How funny!

  • 2 Rosie@leavesnbloom yazmış:

    Hi Jenn – these are great and I did have a laugh when I saw what happened to the roll. Baking would stress me out and so would mole hills in my lawn.

    I remember that little church from the last time – it’s seizing the moment that counts – you’ll cherish that little photo.

  • 3 Sarah yazmış:

    Aww! I love these. The one of Merlin by the cars is so sweet! Too funny about the toilet paper. That could get expensive though! ha ha! Oh my gosh that is a lot of hole! Ugh! Hope you have a great week. Thanks for linking up.

  • 4 sarah yazmış:

    Love your shots of Merlin! Such a cute story about the toilet paper. Haha

  • 5 kbreints yazmış:

    Love your jungle shot(s)… so funny!

  • 6 Catherine yazmış:

    I actually really like your vanishing point. The lines in your jeans make it really work!

  • 7 Gina yazmış:

    That dog cracks me up- I know it’s not funny to you but it’s totally something that would happen here- so I had to laugh. I completely feel for you with the moles- we have gophers that torment us & our lawn all summer long- I am sure it won’t be long until they return.

  • 8 Ashley Sisk yazmış:

    I have to laugh at welcome to the jungle – wow… and your under shot is gorgeous. Love that!

  • 9 Beka yazmış:

    oh my, i love your toes! ha! cute:) it’s gorgeous today, though this week has been SOOOO darn moody with the weather. 🙂

  • 10 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    great pictures. I love to bake too, but often have at least one if not both boys helping me so it’s not always calm anymore. your dog is too funny, but I wouldn’t be laughing if he was mine.

  • 11 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    Love that take on “jungle”! 🙂 Great captures, Jenn.

    Sure hope y’all have a fabulous week!

  • 12 julie yazmış:

    COOL under shot!! Love the jungle shot too 🙂

  • 13 Laura yazmış:

    Haha I love all the “jungle” pics too, he’s just too cute to be mad at. 🙂 LOVE the toenails too, makes me so excited for flip flops!

  • 14 Cindy yazmış:

    Funny funny dog!!
    And those toenails….I guess I need to lose the wool socks first!!:)
    Have a happy day

  • 15 deb yazmış:

    Your dog is so funny! That’s one thing my dog hasn’t gotten in to! Those moles look annoying. We don’t have them around here. Love the flower pic!

  • 16 He & Me + 3 yazmış:

    Omgosh…your dog cracks me up. I love it. 2 years people….LOL you are too funny. Glad you laugh about it. So do you crumple the toilet paper up and still use it or throw it all away? 🙂 I say you just give him the rolls when you are done so he will have his fix but I am sure running through the house is half the fun. LOL
    Love your toenails too. great color. STill jealous of your spring flowers.

  • 17 Sheri yazmış:

    Love the square crop. I must be pining for spring! I keep going to the flower shots.

  • 18 Privet and Holly yazmış:

    Great images!
    I want to do this,
    next year : ) I
    had to laugh at
    your dog. My parents
    last dog LOVED paper
    and we always had to
    GRIP our paper napkins
    between our knees at
    dinner so she wouldn’t
    steal them. I won’t
    even TELL you what
    THEIR yard looked like!
    Hope this week is off
    to a wonderful start.
    xx Suzanne

  • 19 Pennie at Mom Thoughts yazmış:

    i love your jars, too! how cute are they???
    and your church picture with the verse…ooo…i like!
    and the pink toenails??? love the pink!
    you have a whole set of very nice pics this week, my dear.
    and those nasty moles – curse them! ha!

  • 20 naomig yazmış:

    I have all my baking stuff in jars too, baking is something I do when I am stressed… it is calming for me.

    GGGrrrrr! To those moles. I’m so sorry, hate those nasty things.

    Seriously, girl. Cesar Milan. I don’t know how you live with that dog doing that to you!!! He’s cute, but that would make me crazy!!

  • 21 Jill yazmış:

    Great pictures!! Have a wonderful day!


  • 22 Linda yazmış:

    These are great shots.. Your dog made me laugh.. too cute.. And I just love that rainbow.. Looks like you had fun on the hunt..

    Hugs, Linda

  • 23 Mom Photographera yazmış:

    Your doggy is really cute… and the welcome to the jungle just happened today in my house… My daughter has discovered toilet paper…

  • 24 Brooke G yazmış:

    Oh goodness – I was laughing at your doggie and the TP!!!! Grrrr

  • 25 Buckeroomama yazmış:

    Too funny about Merlin and the toilet paper! You should just give him like 20 toilet rolls for his “birthday”! =)

  • 26 Kathleen yazmış:

    Laughing at your jungle shot! 🙂

  • 27 Carletta yazmış:

    Your crocus shot is beautiful!
    I like how Merlin is sitting with his prize and seeming to say, and… 🙂

  • 28 Serline yazmış:

    My daughter is into baking too, but she treats it more as a social activity, never to be done alone 😉 As for me? Give me a broom, dustpan and a mop…

  • 29 Susan yazmış:

    Great shots. Loved that flower, oh my!!