Oh…it isn’t Sunday anymore? =)

Hello land of Blog… ah… the joys of summer…   so distracting aren’t they?!!

We have been to the beach, had friends visit and then followed them home…

Here is a sneak peek… of my last two weeks in photos of course… attempting to follow the prompts of the last two weeks Sunday Scavenger Hunts …only my weeks photos are switched… this week for last and last for this week… mostly…oops!! and of course there will be  a few *just becauses* and my 365 photos !  =)

169/365 *Just because!*

the day before school let out…

my littles learned to climb in a rock gym

for birthday parties / girl scout events…

who knew my skinny kids with VLMM (very little muscle mass)

would be Soooo Swift at pulling their own body weight up a wall

they both scaled this giant wall in no time flat!!!

I mean they do have the “light” factor going on… but still… VLMM!!  =)

They both climbed like they had been doing it for months!!  =)

170/365 Crossing Thresholds

my little girl crossed the elementary school cross walk

for the LAST time as a student there (sniff)

and she crossed it with a SMILE on her face!!  go Abby!

my little emotional offspring left Elementary School behind happy

(maybe it had  to do with fact we were heading STRAIGHT to the beach)

our beach… Cannon beach Oregon!! 

171/365 (X-Ray) bear with me

I wish I had x-ray vision/hearing?

and I could see (hear) into their little minds

as they play on the beach together  =)

they play as though they are ALL ALONE

as if we are not there with them

or anyone else for that matter

just them and God… and the giant ocean and vast sandy beach he created….

I love watching them on the beach!

but… OH how I wish I could hear the dialog in their little minds!  =)

172/365 Toy (from God … the creator of this beautiful earth we live on)

Cannon Beach is a giant TOY for me… a playground… a gift from God!!

for relaxing, unwinding, connecting my spirit deeper with His…

and for capturing reflections ….It is very addicting!  =)

I love the Pacific Northwest Beaches and Mountains…

standing in Awe of God before those creations is not an option!!

though I did see Mt. Hood, Mt St Helens, Mt Rainier, Mt. Baker…

The Olympic Mountains, the Cascade Mountains

and never mind all the beautiful Mountain ranges in BC this last two weeks…

lets just focus on the beach this time m’kay?!!  =)

the reflections are everywhere!!  Toys I tell you … toys!!

I know I have said this before… but it happens every time I visit the beach or the mountains…The worship song “Have You Seen Jesus My Lord” plays over and over in my head as I stand in God’s beautiful world before the creations that make me feel so small yet so significant in this giant world we live in…

Have you seen Jesus my Lord?
He's here in plain view.
Take a look, open your eyes,
He'll show it to you.

1. Have you ever looked at the sunset
With the sky mellowing red,
And the clouds suspended like feathers
Then I say... (pause)
You've seen Jesus my Lord.

2. Have you ever stood at the ocean
with the white foam at your feet,
Felt the endless thundering motion?
Then I say...(pause)
You've seen Jesus my Lord.

3. Have you ever looked at the cross,
with a man hanging in pain
And the look of love in his eyes?
Then I say...(pause)
You've seen Jesus my Lord.  (refrain)

4. Have you ever stood in the family
With the Lord there in your midst
Seen the face of Christ on each other?
Then I say... (pause)
You've seen Jesus My Lord.  (refrain)

I wish we lived a tiny bit closer to Cannon Beach

so I could go there OFTEN!!  **sigh**

a couple times a year is NOT enough!    =)

173/365   *just because*

just because I rarely post pics of my man

this is what we look like after a few days in the land of Bliss

Cannon Beach Oregon!!  =)

oh… and we went three days without showering

our happiness far outshines our groody~ness don’t ya think?  =)

the kids were FAST asleep too… that helps the bliss factor… ha ha ha

174/365 Pop of Color

skipping ahead a week (I actually did take this one this week)

on Vancouver Island, BC where I was visiting a very good friend.

we were checking in on her sisters horse/pony and stayed to  “play”

I snapped a million pictures b/c I love her sisters little 2 acre “farm house” =)

see I told you… the photos I took last week fit into this weeks Scavenger Hunt Items and the photos I took this week fit into last weeks Scavenger Hunt items… mostly… I hope I am not confusing y’all!!  =)

moving on…

174/365 Paint (last weeks item and photo) =)

while we were at the beach there was a live open air artists exhibit

I especially loved this artists work… but there was a good sized crowd around him… so I never managed to figure out his name… his painting was “blurred” a bit…and then scored it with straight lines (a razor blade ish like tool?)  it added  a checkerboard look to it…If I had cash for art…. I would have entertained buying one of his creations!  =)

175/365 Leaf Veins and petal veins

another lovely flower from my friends sisters little farm house/property

176/365 oops speaking of FARM

the sun was going down but I still like this shot

is there ever a  farm without a weather vein??  =)

177/365 Eyelashes

my little girl has pretty eyelashes…

I love this picture of her  =)  her beautiful eyes stand out to me…

she was exhausted  after jumping on the trampoline

on my friends sisters little farm house property =)

please excuse my lazy grammar in this whole post!

178/365 (almost) Faceless Portrait

my little girl learned to fish this week

on Canada Day =) at a little local fishing derby

it was hard to capture a good “portrait”

b/c the wind was blowing like crazy

and the rain was teasing us all day

all the kids went home with a nice prize

as the wind and rain kept the number of attendees down!!  =)

Abby won a fishing pole… for catching a tiny piece of seaweed!  ha ha ha

179/365 *just because*

back at the farm house =)

we all jumped on the trampoline

though most of my 201 pictures were blurry

the facial expressions were hysterical to go through!  =)

please don’t judge me for letting my daughter jump without “guard rails”

oh my … I was skeptical …but couldn’t say no…

and before you knew it

the mom’s were jumping too…=)

I haven’t been on one of those in YEARS

the last time I tried to jump on one was while I was still nursing my young


Ouch is all I have to say about that!!

I forgot how much fun they are

only my 40 year old body does not like it as much as I do!!!

ha ha ha

180/365  * just because*

and back on the little farm house property

we rode a zip line too…

oh the fun you can have on a little farm

it took two kids to haul the mama’s big butts up the line

*no comments would be much appreciated here thanks**  ha ha ha

181/365 Windows/doors

so on our way TO Vancouver Island via the Washington Peninsula Ferry

we notice this outside our window on the ferry

picture taken through the window as well


I wonder if there was some kind of border threat this weekend

due to the holiday weekends in both the USA and Canada

or if the coast guard always escorts our ferries across the border/ocean

with um… “protection” clearly ready to um… use…

*yikes* I mean… thanks?  =)

maybe I should use this WINDOW picture instead… =)

the BC Ferry ride home was a little cozier than our WA Ferry ride to the Island!  =) 

182/365 speaking of Crossing Thresholds

the Peace Arch Canadian/American border gates have been open

since 1814… nearly 200 years…

my self, my spouse, my children and my good friends

have crossed this threshold for 13 plus years … building a life together…

(if you only count the years of crossing for our marriage) =)

with a few hundred miles in between the cities of our youth…

I am grateful for both of these countries in my/our life/lives!  =)

Happy Canada Day to my friends who are Canadian Bloggers…

and Happy Independence Day to my friends on this side of the 49th parallel!


183/365 *just because*

2 Countries, 2 moms, 2 girls and 2 dogs= equals = A Fabulous Girly week!

full of wonderful memories!

(ok… so each of us has a spouse and a boy child that took part in our week a little… but it wasn’t about them … this week!! ha ha ha   Our friendships are 9 years young… since our girls were 2… we began our friendship shortly after our baby boys were born on the same day … 9 years ago!!  )

Sorry about the ridiculously long post…

2 weeks of summer, 2 states, 2 beaches, 2 countries, 2 trips, 2 friends, 2 new adventures… 2 weeks of Ashley Sisk’s Sunday Photo Scavenger Hunts… 2 weeks of Sarah’s 365 photos etc. etc.  =equals=  2 blog posts in one!! (insert cheesy grin)

alright.. I deserve it…

bring on the long comments..

novels if you will…

How have you spent your

first two weeks of Summer??


Blessings ~ Jenn

Seizing my summer days on day at a time!

13 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Sarah yazmış:

    Oh wow!!! Looks like a fun Summer so far!! I love all your photos, especially the beach photos. The reflections in the water are awesome!! Thanks so much for linking up.

  • 2 Lori@ Teacher Turned Mommy yazmış:

    looks like you’ve had a fun busy few weeks. love the pictures, and the catch up on life

  • 3 Ashley Sisk yazmış:

    WOW – you really packed in a lot of prompts. I love what you did with crossing thresholds and also the photos that followed xray. Great job and happy 4th!

  • 4 Beka yazmış:

    ahhhhhhh great.
    i SO want to go to cannon beach someday!
    so beautiful.

    jumping on the trampoline is fun…i don’t do it much at all and i’m only 20. 😛 hurts my head sometimes. sheesh.
    have a lovely tuesday!! <3

  • 5 Dina @ 4 Lettre Words yazmış:

    LOVE the “just because”…and the beach shots are fantastic, Jenn! So good to see/hear from you, but there’s nothing at all wrong with enjoying the summer. Have a blast!

  • 6 naomig yazmış:

    Love them all! Wow! I couldn’t possibly begin to comment on each one, ha! Such a great collection of pictures. The rock wall looks so fun! Now you know something both your kids are great at. I want to try a rockwall soon. Never have before.

    It’s been SO long since I’ve ridden on a ferry. At least 15 years probably, since my family lived in Everett when I was little–so, your pics totally made me miss riding on the ferry. I need to get my kiddos and sweetie over there to do that soon. Besides, I have a yen to see the Olympics… for like 4 years now–haven’t fulfilled that particular yen yet. 🙂

    Happy ALWAYS outshines grody. ALWAYS. 🙂

  • 7 Cedar yazmış:

    So many photos to capture so much fun! Glad it was such a great, fun packed two weeks! Love all your reflections! My son graduated elementary school this spring, too, so your crossing thresholds seems especially poignant to me. We love riding the ferry!

  • 8 Stasha yazmış:

    You really are seizing this summer. Lovely photo log!

  • 9 Jen yazmış:

    Wow…lots going on! We have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine and warm weather. We go for walks and play in the backyard.
    Washington and Oregon are so beautiful 🙂

  • 10 Light Trigger yazmış:

    great interpretations!

    Via Scavenger Hunt Sunday
    Light Trigger: OUR ENTRY

  • 11 Mary yazmış:

    What a fun summer you must be having! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your photos with all of us! 🙂

  • 12 Kimberly yazmış:

    Wow! What fun you have been having! Those beach photos make me long to go there! We’ve been doing the things we usually do in the summer … play outside (A LOT!), visit the zoo, go swimming, hiking, biking … fun, Fun, FUN!

  • 13 He & me + 3 yazmış:

    So much to comment on for sure. Can’t believe our girls are in middle school. Gah! where did the time go. My girl left in tears. Glad yours was so happy. Love the beach pictures. The reflection shots are so GREAT! Loved seeing all the pictures of you. What a treat! Beautiful flowers too. Yeah for fishing. Looks like you are just as busy as we are. Keep enjoying your summer.