Sunny Sundays
The last couple Sundays have been sunny around these parts.
very sunny.
a couple weeks of … sunshine = *bliss* =)
this side of Washington only has 2 months or so of real sunshine…
so this 70 plus degree weather we’ve been having is Wonderful!! =)
this was also my first week with very little going on…
also wonderful!
Here is a peek of our lazy sunny week…
Scavenger Hunt Style of course!
184/365 Bling … sky bling that is!
the 4th was our first day relaxing at home this summer
after a week of beach and good friends and 700 miles traveled…
we sat on our driveway all alone…
and watched the neighbors down the road light up the sky
the best kind of fireworks …are the neighbors fireworks…
the houses right near us were really quiet like us…
it was wonderful!! =)
185/365 *just because*
before we watched the sky light up on the 4th
we had a little fun *math/science* lesson
that I meant to do with my home schooler in May! =) oops!
how many pints are in a quart?
quarts in a half gallon?
half gallons in a gallon… oh… um… well… anyway…
you get the idea!
186/365 Dark
it is a dark world my poor kitty lives in
poor Nana!!
honestly… she doesn’t really mind the dark side “too much”
sometimes she bugs him so he will wrestle her…
and Merlin is pretty gentle with her
despite how bad it looks with her whole head in his mouth!! =)
187/365 Weather
this is the worst weather we had all week!
Wonderful aren’t they?! =)
188/365 Something that looks like a letter
I saw the x’s…
but the hubby saw the w
w ~ waiting for the cat to come in…
w ~ wishing the dog didn’t live in HER house …
189/365 Tangled
tangled in the rocks…
tangled… washed up… hiding… sun bathing… shiny…
enjoying the shores of a local park …
190/365 *just because*
I think the weather was a bit too hot for Merlin this week!!
I don’t know…
sometimes a sleepy, sunny week is a good thing! =)
Hope you have a chance to Enjoy the sun this week!!
See you next week!
Scavenger Hunt

see you next week.
ta ta
bub bye
the end.
July 11th, 2011 saat: 11:13 am
Awesome pics! Is that a jelly fish in the rocks? I’m insanely jealous of your 70 degree temps. It was 110 on Saturday, that’s not including the heat index, which was 117 – two of my hens died. AHHHHHHH! It’s hot.
July 11th, 2011 saat: 11:59 am
Did I ever ask you if your kitty came back home? Or, did you have two?
Great captures, Jenn. The last 2 are gorgeous!
July 11th, 2011 saat: 12:02 pm
It looks like you had another great week – is that a jelly fish? And I wish I could have 70 degree temps!
July 11th, 2011 saat: 12:03 pm
great pictures. it has been hot around here lately, but we are in summer shower time so afternoon thunderstorms are the norm. that math/science project looks like fun
July 11th, 2011 saat: 12:38 pm
Great pics, Jenn! You guys wanna come over to play sometime?
July 11th, 2011 saat: 1:57 pm
Glad you are enjoying some sun! It was hot and sunny here, but this week it’s going to rain. Plus it’s Stampede…and it always rains during Stampede week.
I thought the letter was “W” too 😉
July 11th, 2011 saat: 3:19 pm
cool photos – looks like you’re enjoying a beautiful summer.
July 11th, 2011 saat: 5:17 pm
Love those clouds! And I’m so jealous of your 70 degree temps…it’s been over 100 here for over two weeks!
July 11th, 2011 saat: 7:34 pm
Awesome shots this week. Sounds like a fun one. I love the jelly fish shot and the last one. Adorable! Thanks so much for linking up. Have a great week.
July 12th, 2011 saat: 9:13 am
Great shots! Love the jellyfish. 🙂 They’re so cool.
July 13th, 2011 saat: 5:11 am
Great firework shot. Mine all stunk. I took a picture of a jelly fish too. They are such strange creatures. Why is quarts gallons pints so confusing to me. I should have been there for that lesson. Love the picture of the kids in the tree. So cute. We were just vacationing in Virginia too. Not moving there. Still here in Michigan.
July 13th, 2011 saat: 3:41 pm
Great shot of the jellyfish! And “sky bling”? Love it!