October’s over? ;)
October was a bit odd this year… usually by October my life is in Fall routine and I am going with the flow… but not this October…I should have known it was going to be an odd month … when my daughter started wearing her pillow on her head =)
Here is my Odd Month at a semi-QUICK glance… 365 photo style…
yep I know… quick is very unlike me … if I succeed! =)
Sammy and I did some baking together
(that isn’t too weird for us)
Gluten Free banana bread
(I will type this recipe out for y’all one day!)
A good gluten free version.. not too gritty.. just moist enough… =)
isn’t this steamy picture kinda dreamy? =)
home made cranberry sauce for Canadian Thanksgiving on Oct 10th
Easy sneezy: 1 cup Apple Cider, 1 tbsp Vanilla, 1 Cup Sugar, 1 bag o berries… boil… reduce heat and simmer your steamy pot til the berries break down to your liking… puree a bit for thicker sauce… sweeten it more or less… Tasty! eat on turkey…eat on bagels… eat on cheesecake… eat by itself!! YUM!
(this doesn’t count as talking I was sharing a recipe!~!) =)
Amazing Spicy Pumpkin Syrup
Click on the tasty kitchen ~ search ~ as titled above. =)
You WON’T regret it!!!
and you will want some when you make these!!
Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes = a little bit of bliss!
you didn’t think I wouldn’t tell you HOW did you?
1 egg, 1/3 cup Apple Cider, 1 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 cup pumpkin… whisk… add gluten free bisquick (about 1/3 cup give or take) til it is kinda thick but still pours… I find GF pancakes hard to flip… thicker SMALLER pancakes flip easier for me in my Cast Iron pan… with a little extra oil… this amount serves two happy kids or one happy grown up!
Note … smaller pancakes… =) can’t you just smell em cookin?
I am obsessed with pancakes right now… Cider, pumpkin, gingerbread…
SO AMAZING! all my own creations! =) I should write a pancake cookbook!
hubby on the roof = ODD.
he doesn’t do handy work often~
its not his thing …
told ya Weird month…
mini submarine just crusin down the highway…
not somethin we see every day…
Abby at a book signing… this kid LOVES to read folks…
she wants to be an Author one day…
Rick Riordan ~ Author of The Percy Jackson series = )
more recently The Heroes of Olympus series
Our city was 1 of 7 on this mini tour!!
ODD we got chosen over a bigger city like Seattle or Portland… =)
Exciting times for my little reader!
Check out these funky fall clouds in the sky
we have had some weird clouds/skies this Fall!
I have a few funky Nov. sky pics too!
speaking of skies…
Crazy sparkle sparkle falling from the sky!!
wish I had my camera ready when the sparkles first flew into the sky!
we were packing up to leave (darn it!!)
You see… we were in Seattle
at the last home game of the Sounders
in the ‘regular season’
my little soccer players’ team went as a group…$10 tickets!!
the soccer girls and all their families… all 60 of us… fun time!!
(the soccer families don’t know I have a blog yet… no group pics… I don’t post pics of folks w/out permission!) =)
last 10 minutes are always the most exciting!
The Sounders scored in the last 3 minutes & won…
sending them into the playoffs… (I think) =)
*just like my little girls soccer team** (odd)
This little brother is SO OVER Soccer!
he’s been attending sisters soccer games for 9 months straight…
(well 5 years + 9 months each year …what a trooper!!)
Abby plays in a Rec league… but this year was a bit ODD…
Her team were undefeated in the regular season!!
so they had a special play off b/c there were two groups in the local league this year…odd… they took the 2nd place title in that tournament… their first loss in the season! =)
Abby’s team played in a tournament … 4 games later they took
The District Championship!!
which means we go on to play Regionals and maybe State??
(its going to be a LONG FALL… soccer’s going to be 10-11 months this year)
One loss the whole season … with the two extra tournaments!!
**what a great season** SO MUCH SOCCER and we are not done yet…
Better stock up on more of this
YUM… egg nog anyone? more importantly coffee anyone? =)
we had an odd little visitor this month too…
I definitely needed coffee after this guy visited
he was a pesky little stick stealer =)
a pesky little ball taker =)
a pesky little shadow when Merlin barks at the folks passing by =)
AKA a pesky little mail man barker
pesky little bugger sitting right in front of Mr. Super Sniffer
whilst he sniffs out the nearest cat, squirrel, deer, raccoon to chase/bark at…
but boy he sure was CUTE…
and he made my blurry girl a happy girl that day!
puppy sitting is fun b/c you get to send him home at the end of the day!
speaking of weird/odd…
this guy steals my camera and takes odd pictures of himself
he deserves a post all to his~self! *soon* very soon*
another crazy cloud day…
doesn’t this one remind you of dementors
you know … in Harry Potter… ????
speaking of Harry Potter… doesn’t this little lego guy look just like him!!?! odd.
For Halloween this year we had a “Halloween Hide-In”… odd I know.
We introduced our children to Harry Potter… fun times!
dark house, glow sticks, good snacks, sugary treats and a movie…
PERFECT Quiet Warm Halloween!
We packed up our Halloween stuff last week…
and our kitty has been missing ever since…
any ideas where she might be? =)
ha ha ha ha ha…
thats NOT funny!
ok ok …
I think its time to sign off… and come see what y’all are up to these days…
I hope my bad blog habits aren’t scaring you all away completely…
I miss this odd land when I can’t seem to find the time to visit!!
Hope you all are having a Happy Fall!!
the odd one.
November 15th, 2011 saat: 2:00 pm
looks like a good way to spend your October, onto November in full throttle!
November 15th, 2011 saat: 4:52 pm
Wow, that’s a busy October! Looks like fun, all of it.
I have wondered if those Percy Jackson books are any good. I’ll take your blogging about them to mean that they are. 🙂
Yes, those clouds definitely look like dementors. 🙂
November 16th, 2011 saat: 5:21 am
Looks like a ton of fun…and I love that shot of Seattle!
November 16th, 2011 saat: 9:56 am
Oh my eldest daughter would’ve LOVED to meet Rick Riordian and have him sign a book. How special that your girl got to do that! 🙂
November 17th, 2011 saat: 12:24 pm
You guys sure know how to have fun! I’ve only made pancakes one way (with Bisquick), but I love them! Looking forward to my cranberries next week too.
Now wouldn’t that be cool if your DD really did end up as an author?
November 21st, 2011 saat: 5:34 am
Looks like you’ve been busy, Jenn! It was good to see you’re back to bloggy land! I’ve been scarce, msyelf. I spend way more time on Facebook, now. And, life is just way too busy!!! But, it’ a good balance. It’s a good kind of busy. 🙂
December 3rd, 2011 saat: 10:26 am
Yum to the pumpkin pancakes too. I love anything pumpkin. My soccer player loves to read too. She is a book fanatic. I hope she gets a kindle for Christmas.