April Sunday Post

Last weekend we volunteered at the annual Easter Egg Dash our church puts on for the community every year.. thus the word annual… anywho… that was Saturday… then we hopped in our trusty Honda and blitzed up to Canada to spend the rest of Easter Weekend and Easter Monday (we decided to take a Canadian holiday since we are half Canadian in our house… he he) … my point is I was very very late in submitting my Sunday Scavenger Hunt pics last week since we were away… so Tuesday as I was linking up … I wrote down the list for this week… and it immediately brought a smile to my face… b/c I had taken a couple photos on Sunday & Monday that were perfect for this week!  and then a few other funny little quirky things also fit purrrfectly into this weeks hunt… they are really nerdy things that make me smile… I’m weird like that!

So … I’m throwing in some extra pics… b/c… well… y’all know by now.. I do that!  =)

are you curious now?  shall we begin?!!  =)


or stitch(es)

ok this one just made me laugh.. it had me in stitches!!  =)

2 weeks ago we had a game night at our house and we played Apples to Apples Junior

bubbles was the category to draw… my silly husband….

had us all in stitches with this one!  =)

bubbles … for real

Giant Bubbles.. with the Canadian cousins …  taken at dusk on Sunday!  =)

snapped before I even knew bubbles was a prompt this week!!

I like it when things just happen like that… (weird I kn0w)

more giant bubbles

by my little bubble boy


that silo is likely a grain holder … right?? =)

I snapped this picture on our way home from BC … b/c my man proposed to me on those mountains… “Golden Ears”…  14 years ago… (today) on April 14, 1998… *awe* =)

see quirky and weird.. and I took the pic before I knew about the prompt!  lol!


also snapped on our way home… in Lynden, Wa…

that is some funky farm transportation …

see the one that looks like a fair ride?  lol!

what is it???  =)   anyone??




there must be really big stitches holding that fabric together…

ok…I was in stitches laughing anyway… =)

this is from my phone archives which I downloaded this week…

I think I snapped it in Oct??!!  I don’t use my phone camera much!

anyway… fail on the stitch prompt this week!


we did a little Orca art this week … simple … painting with Q-tips!

we are a little excited about going to Sea World in June…

we can’t WAIT to see Orcas in real life… too bad it won’t be “in the wild”…

simple pleasures

a rainbow over my daughters middle school… shot taken from the parking lot of her “old” Elementary school… yikes… she is growing up fast!  anyway… I was testing the cropping feature with the manual crop setting … curious how it would turn out on the blog… and then I stretched it a bit after landing it into word press… now the trick will be to look at it on a large computer (I use a mini pc most of the time)… so don’t judge me too harshly… m’kay… it is hard to notice blurry shots on this little tiny computer screen!!  =)

OK.. one more quirky thing… yesterday I made these…

wedding cake pops

for friends who got married today April 14

on the same day my hubby proposed to me =)

quirky.  weird.  I know.  I like weird quirky circumstances.  lol.

What quirky weird things make you smile??

(oh wait… that is a prompt next week!!  LOL!  how funny!)

I’m done now.  the end.



if you’ve never joined in on the Scavenger Hunt … you have to… it is SO fun!

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