tap tap… vacation? where’d ya go? sniff…

Hello Blog Peeps ~ remember me?

sad sad times in my house today. vacation is gone. gone. gone.

done. done. done.

over. over. over.

we skipped out of school a teeny tiny bit early

and drove to San Diego

from Washington. and survived!

kinda far. kinda long. kinda crazy. kinda fun.  =)

I heart vacation.  refuels a burned out mama.

awakens the soul.

and beach vacations… well … they especially move me…

automatically connects my mind, body and spirit back to its rightful place with my beautiful wonderful God!  I love how the beach refreshes me. immediately giving me peace and passion and desire to stop and connect with God… stand in awe of Him… appreciate my life in Him and all he has carried me/us through.  Gives me Joy to be there standing in awe of my creator!

ya know? =)

oh anywho…

Never mind me…

shall we get started on the oh so fun Sunday Monday Scavenger Hunt? =)

Sunset (San Diego style)

I could see myself looking at that every night for the rest of my life…

it was our view from the condo we rented in Oceanside, CA.



Sammy had his 10th birthday whilst we were in California … these cupcakes were eaten at home … after vacation… we had to have another “birthday cake” time … b/c well… we just had to.  long story times 2. the end. =)

Hanging Around

Hanging around in Legoland on his birthday was a highlight for my little man =)


Hanging around on the beach is ALWAYS a highlight for my clan!

we are all blissfully happy on the beach!!

and well… this guy was  hanging around too… =)

hanging around ~ sleeping in trees ~ same diff right? =)

Silly Face

this giraffe is a new mama … wonder what she was thinking right then?

makin faces at us while we were all staring at her baby!

Silly Face

couldn’t resist!  Legoland was full of Lego surprises around every corner!


this guy takes up a lot of it! =)

magnificent creatures


Be Still My Heart! =)

9,000 plus pound playful wonder!

I’ve always loved Orcas

I wish I could spend days and days and days watching them!

I would LOVE to interact with one! =)

a girl can dream ~ one day? ~ maybe? ~ you never know!

blissful vacation in Sunny Southern California!

*sigh* =)

Well anyway…

I don’t mean to be rude

but I gotta go

ha ha ha ha ha

Legoland was  such a blast with our 11 & 10 year olds!

Have y’all ever been there?

My little clan doesn’t love carnival rides… so Disneyland is not high on the “must do list” for my littles… Legoland was just their speed!

We did somehow, miraculously get our children on the new Manta roller coaster in Sea World… seriously… scary ride for them… what a rush! =)

for the record …our daughter is going to file a lawsuit against us for that one! (snicker snicker) or need therapy the rest of her life!  just kidding! she is proud she did it… but won’t EVER do it again!  lol!  the bad news is she is wiser now and won’t let it happen again! (ha ha ha)

anyway… back home now… getting into routine!

it was fun to sneak away and have vacation early in the summer… but now we only have little weekend trips to look forward to the rest of the summer! lol!

What are your plans for the summer? =)

any exciting, wild and crazy adventures or just relaxing at home with ice tea and good summer reading?? =)

Hope y’all have a Happy Independence Day!!




Congratulations Ashley Sisk and Naomi on the birth of your beautiful baby girls this month!!  Beautiful Blissful time of life!!  babies make my heart sing! So happy for you both! =)

anyway ~ click on the link below to join the fun!

Ramblings and Photos

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