Simply Summer Fun

Howdy Blog Peeps =)

Summer is blissfully passing by way too fast … for this stay home mama… how about you??!….thus my one blog post a month lately!  =)

I’ve been Seizing my days … enjoying my beautiful quirky family.. playing hard… loving….serving…  spending time with our church family… our real families… our friends… our neighbors… all the folks God has placed in our lives… one day at a time…  blissfully busy… having fun no matter what task lay before us on these busy summer days… b/c we can… b/c it is summer ..b/c the sun shines in the summer!!  isn’t that a wonderful thing…(no comment from you peeps who get sun all year round ok… ha ha)… just kidding … I love ya… even if you do live in a sunny all year round place (sigh)… summer sun makes me sing .. and frankly … I’m sure my neighbors are glad when the rain begins! ha ha ha! =)

Anywho.. here is a sneak peek of our last couple weeks…  Sunday Scavenger Hunt Style of course!  I miss Sunday Scavenger Hunt when I don’t make it by!! =)  and I miss blog hopping to see how you all are… hopefully I will find a bit of time tonight to ” catch up a bit” and get a sneak peek into your summers! ! =)

This weeks prompts:   Going Back in Time ~Just for Me~Best Part of My Day ~ Look Up~ Night and Day

Going Back in Time

I used to bake this recipe as a child… any guesses as to what it is??  =)  watching it bubble up like that took me WAY back in time this week!  I baked them 3 mornings in a row… the first two batches gluten free…  they didn’t puff as much as this batch did with gluten! … but they were still yummy!

2 eggs, 2/3 cup flour (any kind)?, 2/3 cup milk and a splash of vanilla.. and a pinch of salt!  (gluten free coconut flour mix was my fav!)

melt a few table spoons of butter into a baking dish… pour in batter… bake at 395 for 20 minutes or so… sprinkle with lemon juice and powdered sugar straight out of the oven… cut and eat… fast… devour! amazing! =)

Just for Me

I purchased a couple of these **fabulous** dish clothes last year… in Port Angles Wa…  a 3 hour drive from home..  and I love love loved them… almost immediately I had wished I had more!! SO… nearly a year later… last week when I went on my annual trip to Vancouver Island to play with wonderful friends we visit every year… I bought 6 more… JUST for ME!  =)  I LOVE them… they are small.. tidy… washable.. durable… they have a wee scrubby element to them… yet they are really just dish clothes! LOVE.  I forget the co. name… I’ll call the shop and see if I can dig up the info if anyone is interested!!  just holler if you are!

Here is another shot of them… both new… and old…

the stiff scrbby loops soften up over time… but they are still fabulous.. I hate dirty smelly germy sponges and I hate large smelly dish clothes… so these lil babies are a perfect fit for me!  they don’t get very smelly… or germy b/c I wash them every couple days! =)  Love I tell you LOVE… obsessed I am!!

see how small they are

not too small … not to big… LOVE.   cute too ~ right? =)

anywho… moving on…

Best Part of My Day

often times I find the best part of my day is watching my children do something that brings them joy… and confidence…  like when Abby learned to play tennis with 2-3 informal lessons last year… and then a week of “real” tennis camp this summer… and now the kid can’t stop asking if someone wants to play tennis with her!!  She’ll have all her friends playing by next year I am sure!  coming from my shy child who just blends into the crowd is attempting to convert tennis players! … LOVE it!  this pic was taken while Abby was teaching a friend to play!


my dear sweet Sammy who does very little “extra” curricular things … especially limited with sports due to his low vision… found something he loves this year… LOVES… and I couldn’t be happier… watching him enjoy something that is “HIS” thing… pure joy!  it is building joy, confidence and passion for something physical in this not so active kid of mine!  =)

Sammy was blessed by a fun informal week of Thai Chi / Kung Fu Camp

I hope I can find a weekly class for him to attend… He LOVED it!!

The  “Kung Fu Camp” was  run by a fellow soccer parent/ friend on his summer vacation… he’s a teacher and tennis coach Fall-Spring =)… ( he is actually the same friend who ran the tennis camp for middle school girls!)…  anyway.. it was a small group of younger kiddos doing the camp … not sure how I talked Sammy and his one true friend into doing it… but they did… and they LOVED it!  so good for my little man in SO many ways…


those are the best parts of my day.

experiencing the Joy of being a mommy! =)

Night and Day

just before Day turns to Night…  a few moments  in between Night and Day …

the sky is just amazing.  isn’t it?!  esp. in summer months.  =)

Looking Up

the other day while Abby was teaching her friend tennis we looked up and found this young bald eagle waiting for mama to come home with lunch!  I have a few fuzzy pics of him (my little snap and shoot was on 56x zoom! ha!)… anyway.. fun to watch it waddle around the nest some 150 feet above ground… it even went on a branch… stretched its wings and pooped!  SO funny!  not every day you see a young eagle pooping off the side of its nest! ha ha!  =)

We saw these birds too… while waiting to ride the ferry from Port Angles to Vancouver Island …

I think they were deep in conversation… =)  interesting birds.

So there you have it peeps… the last three weeks we have been to tennis camp, kung fu camp, helped a friend go through hard times, enjoyed many o walks in the sun, coffee dates with neighbors & friends, sleepovers, play dates, pop cycles, cupcakes,  entertained family, spent a week with far away friends, youth group, outdoor movies, had a garage sale, went geocaching, dancing to our new “just dance” wii game… what a hoot!… OH.. and we  invested in a few upgrades to our daily living – put together some garage storage shelving, real office chairs (back heaven!)  and invested in a large enough tv that our little man with low vision can actually sit 2 feet away from and still see!!  why we didn’t invest in a larger tv sooner… *ugh*…  summer is busy busy … the rest of August is not proving to be any less busy… but surely just as fun as June and July!!  I will be so sad when Fall arrives and we have to start school again!  ha ha!  =)

Hope y’all are seizing your summer days… one beautiful day at a time!

Looking forward to seeing what y’all are up to!

What is your favorite part of summer??  =)


off to enjoy an evening outdoors with friends from church!  =)



9 Responses | Add your Own

  • 1 Fay yazmış:

    I am in love with those dishclothes! I share your disdain for smelly scrub sponges and normal smelly dishclothes alike. Those colourful little beauties are perfect!

    The rest of your moments are just wonderful. What is that in the dish bubbling so nicely?!

  • 2 Pam yazmış:

    Great shots. Your recipe sounds delish. I could bottle some CA sun and ship it up to you. But only if you’ll send down some rain.

  • 3 Heather yazmış:

    Those dish clothes are great! I love the colors. The sky is a gorgeous yellow and orange, beautiful.

  • 4 Dina@4LettreWords yazmış:

    Such fun shots, Jenn. Looks like y’all are still enjoying the summer!

  • 5 Janice yazmış:

    How lucky you guys got to see that bald eagle! I’ve never seen one in real life!

    Looks like a fun summer too! 😉

  • 6 L Hynes yazmış:

    The recipe looks delicious,sounds like piketlets but isnt,what do you call it?The dishcloths look great bright and practical! Love watching the kids enjoy themselves too!

  • 7 Danelel yazmış:

    We were just on Vancouver Island in July! We actually used to live there. I never heard of the amazing Port Angeles washclothes though–I’d love to know the name of the company!

  • 8 Mad Mind yazmış:

    I love your night and day! Watching your kids do things they love is always an joyful moment.

  • 9 Megan yazmış:

    Love night and day photo! So pretty. I’ve been wanting to visit Port Angeles for years. Jealous you got to go there.