Seizing every Summer day! ~ SSH style =)
Summer has been keeping me on my toes…
I get way too busy dizzy busy!
we are having fun… planning fun things and engaging in fun things…
youth group, tennis, kung fu, camping, geocaching, weddings, friends, family, church, BBQ’s, hikes, walks, the beach, board game nights, house full more than not, sleepovers, crafts, climbing trees, etc… etc…. so much fun to be had in summer! =)
All good self inflicted Busyness…although lately I feel so busy there is no down time and my head feels dizzy! ha ha!! but .. oh so worth every busy moment!
I guess one could say this summer we are …
Successfully Seizing our Ssummer days!
prompts for this week…Mobile, Hanging by a Thread, Collage, Always Lookin on the Bright Side, and Home
I have a picture exactly like this one on my mobile phone… but failed to download it yet… so its the best I can do!! (fail!) nice pic though?? =) funny b/c I was running between two events I slowed down to snap this pic b/c the sunset was calling my name as I drove past this “scene” =) I had to stop…
it gets better…
Always Looking on the Bright Side
STOP… and watch the sunset or rise… just for a moment… =) it made me laugh and caught my eye a mile down the road from where I was when I took that sunset pic above… funny how it peeked out by that stop sign… as if God was nudging me to really STOP… and enjoy the sunset a little longer… =) soak in his beauty! I have been running around crazy busy (it really is all fun stuff… Youth Group , camping, hosting friends & family, short family trips, long family trips, helping at weddings, tennis lessons, kung fu lessons.. etc. etc.)… anyway… this was a funny little reminder to stop.. in the middle of the running and stand in awe of God… just for a moment… look to the bright side of life… in the midst of whatever… for me lately the busyness…Stop and see what is good in my/your life! Blessings are everywhere when you stop to see that bright side! =)
ok… this is not the greatest picture… but also funny… our good friend has a “collage” of pictures where he finds animals in his food! it is funny… elephants in his fried egg… bunny rabbit ears on his smoothie… stuff like that! so we snapped this one to add to his collection! =) any guesses as to what we thought this cheeto looks like?!
(speaking of guessing… last week I had you guessing something and didn’t clarify at the end of my post…oops!) my bubbling food dish was “German Pancakes”… yum!! =) and I am still hoping to call the shop about the wash clothes… stay tuned! =)
Hanging by a Thread
“daddy” is hanging on by a thread to this battle… he’s looking pretty tired and beat at this point! LOVE summer light saber battles… =) fun times!
Look what I got to bring home to brighten up my house after helping decorate & undecorate at a wedding! =) pretty pretty!
speaking of weddings… My man and I are celebrating 14 years this week… seems like forever ago we got married… =) esp. after attending a wedding and feeling like it was an eternity ago that we were young and blissful like that! ha ha… but you know what…. I wouldn’t trade that young love for the deeper stronger love you feel when the bliss part fades and you are steady strong friends … with history… and a family… and enough youth to still play… =) ha! we are off to the beach this week… to camp… its what we do every year on our anniversary week! (with the kids)… marriage was just the beginning of our life together.. our family is our daily life… so much richer… (although next year for 15 yrs we might sneak away alone!)… but we love family time!! anybody else do family stuff on their anniversary or …
are we weird!! ?? =)
on second thought… don’t answer that… =)
Hope y’all have a great week!
I’ll see you on the other side of the beach!
August 13th, 2012 saat: 2:39 pm
That’s a seahorse, but I hope you ate it. 😉
Happy Anniversary!
August 13th, 2012 saat: 6:56 pm
I think I’ll go get a bag of Cheetos….just to look for shapes of course :). Love your sunsets. So pretty.